Upload the code using PlatformIO extension of Visual Studio Code.
First install the required package:
pip3 install bleak asyncio
then navigate to the pc-remote folder and run the script:
python3 perchClimbClient.py
The python script should connect to the board automatically.
Use terminal to send predefined commands (send help for full command list preview).
Connect to PC a transmitter via USB or wirelessly via an RF siumaltor dongle (e.g., FrSky XSR-SIM).
Then install the PySticks package by navigating to its directory and runing the script:
sudo python3 setup.py install
You should now modify the joystick axes in the main python script to send desired commands and switch to manual control mode to override regular Serial <-> BLE communication interface.
- Board: from Seeed Studio -> XIAO BLE nRF52840 Sense
- Programmer: based on Adafruit FreeRTOS core implementation (not the mbed-enabled core)
- Framework: based on Arduino codebase
- Code Development: VSCode -> PlatformIO