Implementation of EM fitting of a mixture of gaussians on the two-dimensional data set
Author: Md Kamrul Hasan Date: 31th March, 2017
Implementation of EM fitting of a mixture of gaussians on the two-dimensional data set I had tried different numbers of mixtures, as well as tied vs. separate covariance matrices for each gaussian.
Run instruction: python (make sure points.dat in the same directory)
Init EM: I have randomly chose k (num of cluster) data point to initilize k means. And also intitlize k covariance to make sure determinate is non zero value
Five files:
1.seperate_cov_training.png : log likelihood on train vs iteration for different numbers of mixtures. I have used separate covariance matrices for each gaussian.
2.seperate_cov_dev.png: log likelihood on train vs iteration for different numbers of mixtures. I have used separate covariance matrices for each gaussian.
tied_cov_training.png: log likelihood on traing vs iteration for different numbers of mixtures. I have used tied covariance matrices for each gaussian.
tied_cov_dev.png: log likelihood on dev vs iteration for different numbers of mixtures. I have used tied covariance matrices for each gaussian.
scatter.png: scatter plot for all data
Result Analysis:
From scatter plot it can be guessed that the number of cluster should vary among [4,5,6,7]. From
log_likelihood graph we can determine the number of appropritae cluster cluster. From both training
and dev data loglikehood graph, for which k the graph show highest log likehood with less fluctuations
is good choice for number of clusters. For here , k=5,6 or 7 is almost similar. So, they are the best
choice for clustering. But as it is random algorithm, so it can vary. But I think good choice will
be either 5, 6 or 7 This conclusion also make sense if we see the scatter graph.
For tied covariance, it convergences very quickly compare to the seperate covariances.