Protocol for demultiplexing in the Glenn Lab
STACKS is used to demultiplex our data more information can be found on the STACKS website:
Two ways to demultiplex:
- Dual barcodes - with i7 and i5 barcodes
- Single barcodes - with just i7 barcodes
To run the scripts here you will need to:
- create a working directory
- Move demux script, barcodes and raw un-demultiplexed fastq files into the working directory.
- Update the demultiplex script to match your directory and file names
- Run the script
This can take over two days to run if it is a NovaSeq
Tag Orientation by Instrument (as of Dec 2023): Miseq: i7 - forward i5 - foward
NextSeq: i7 - forward i5 - reverse compliment
NovaSeq: i7 - forward i5 - reverse compliment
HiSeq: i7 - forward i5 - reverse compliment