This repository provides a Julia interface to the QPALM QP solver.
In the Julia console, press ]
to enter the Pkg REPL and install QPALM using:
To test the correct installation of the Julia interface, you can run the unit tests:
Given the QP
minimize ½ xᵀQx + qᵀx
subject to l ≤ Ax ≤ u
this is solved by
using QPALM
model = QPALM.Model()
QPALM.setup!(model, Q=Q, q=q, A=A, bmin=bmin, bmax=bmax, settings...)
results = QPALM.solve!(model)
where settings...
are keyword arguments specifying the solver options
to use. They have the same name and type as the underlying C API,
so please refer to QPALM's documentation
on how to set these and their semantics. Leaving the settings unspecified
will run the solver with default options.