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Narrative structure

During the year 2249 a woman is infected by microscopic aliens, which have already invaded the whole planet. This woman has the queen of the aliens residing inside of her, and to fight her, the human scientists construct and deploy a microscopic ship to enter the woman's body and defeat the queen, this ship is the X-002.

While the ship is inside the woman, the mission is to defeat all the six bosses to get to the queen, and once you defeated her, you recieve this text:


You are brave!

You are great!

You detected where I was,

found out my soft spot,

and risked your life in this battle.

Are you,


its victor?

I have intelligence.

I have power.

Do you know what I am?

I shall plague you forever.

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For the gameplay of this arcade scrolling shoot'em up, the main goal of this game is get through the seven levels and escape the body of the infected woman. To achieve this goal you have to pass seven levels and defeat a boss at the end of each level, each one more difficult than the last. At the end of the last boss, you exit the no longer infected body and your ship gets picked up. For each level you have to defeat as many enemies as possible, but it is not essentialy necessary, because your goal is to get to the end of the level, where you need to kill the boss in order to get to the next stage.

You die with one hit, but have multiple lifes. A special feature of this game is the use of the tentacles as your only proctection because you can use them as your shield. They are invincible and block incoming projectiles, and because they follow te motion of the ship and you die really fast, they are indispensable to master and control.

When it comes to doing damage, you have different ways of doing so. One way of doing damage and the most basic one is the default projectile of your ship, which only deal 1 hit points.

The next ways of doing damage are available once you get power-ups:

  • The first power-up you get always gives you tentacles, regardless of the color, and the tentacles deal double the amount of damage of the normal projectiles per tic if the ends of the tentacles are touching an enemy, and you deal one tic of damage every 0.1 seconds. Apart from the on-hit tic damage, the tentacles also shoot one projectile each.
  • The blue one are the homing missiles. This makes your ship shoot 4 missiles every 1.5 seconds that seek for the nearest enemy that gets close to the missile. If you grab another blue power-up, this will upgrade to 6 missiles.

  • The red one are the lasers, which make your projectiles turn into lasers, and if you already have lasers and pick up another red power-up, the lasers upgrade.

  • The last projectile upgrade coming from a power-up is the shadow shells, which improve your tentacle on-hit damage and makes the projectiles that come out of the tentacles double and become dependant of the tentacles' angle, but restricted to 16 ways. If upgraded your on-hit damage becomes greater.

Have in mind that if you already have a power-up and grab a different one, the projectiles will change to the upgraded version of the last power up grabbed.

Apart from the projectiles power ups, there is also a different power-ups that go independently, and it is the bomb power-ups. These power-ups make you drop a bomb in free fall from you ship that deal a good amount of damage. If you already have a bomb power-up and grab another, you will drop 2 bombs instead of one in a 0,1 second delay.

Image Name Description Score
Homing Missiles This gives you/upgrades homing missiles that deal 2 hit points each 1000
Penetrating Lasers This gives you/upgrades lasers that deal 2 hit points each / 3 if upgraded 1000
Shadow Shells This gives you shadow shells that deal 2 hit points each 1000
Speed Up This power-up increases permanently your ship speed by x1.33 1000
Reverse Down Tis power-up decreases permanently your ship speed by x-1.33 1000
Bombs This gives you/upgrades bombs that do a parabola to the ground and deal 2 hit points each, you drop a bomb every 0.5 seconds 1000
Power-up robot This is the robot that brings the power-ups, and once you kill it, the power-ups drop 1000
1-Up This gives one extra life 1000

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Game flyer which explains the controls of the game

The controls of this game are very simple in the arcade, you only got a joystick to move the ship around a button to shoot. The interesting part of this controls are the tentacles, which move according to how you move the ship, for example if you move forward, the tentacles will move backwards, ande viceversa.

If you want to play the 2 players mode, it works alternatively. First the first player plays until he dies and then the second one, and the scores are compared.

Analysis of each level

In this part you will find where the difficulty relays on each level or what makes it special, the power-ups encountered with the time they appear, the enemies of each stage, and a link to the collision layout of each level.

First Stage: Hostur

The stage stops at 37 seconds to fight an enemy, when this dies the stage keeps moving untill the boss.

  • First power up: (Speed) Appears 8 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Second power up: (Bomb) Appears 12 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Third power up: (Blue) Appears 13 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Fourth power up: (Red) Appears 17 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Fifth powerup: (Speed) Appears 5 seconds after the first stop in the right border of the screen.

  • Sixth powerup: (Blue) Appears 23 seconds after the first stop in the right border of the screen.

  • Seventh powerup: (Red) Appears 41 seconds after the first stop in the right border of the screen.

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Flying Ball Balls that appear form the right border of the screen and move in a adn-like pattern 100 1
Anemona Anemona like monster that is placed in the top or the bottom of the map and shoot projectiles in an arc 600 2
Green shrimp This monster moves in a sinusoidal pattern and shoots projectiles 200 1
Green armored This creature moves only on the floor and shoots projectils upwards in an arc 6000 6
Mini-Boss Claws Headed monster that blocks the map, the tentacles don't receive damage and are only destroyed once the head dies. For this battle the stage stops moving. 0 13
Bouncer This little enemy moves by jumping 400 1
Hole-Monster Ball shaped monsters in the top or bottom of the map that shoot projectiles randomly 8000 6
Flying mouth This monster only moves to the left part of the screen very fast 200 1
Eye This eye stays still and shoots droplets to you 5000 9
BOSS: Little balls Little red balls that emerge from the ground right before the boss emerges 100 1
BOSS: Hostur Big monster appears and shoots red balls that explode into little projectiles 100000 120

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Second Stage: Rokusu

The stage rotates around a creature, which you have to shoot at at certain points.

  • First powerup: (Speed) Appears 0 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Second power up: (Bomb) Appears 10 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Third power up: (Yellow) Appears 20 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Fourth power up: (Speed) Appears 60 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Fifth powerup: (Blue) Appears 61 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Sixth powerup: (Blue) Appears 63 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

  • Seventh powerup: (Yellow) Appears 64 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Blue sentinel This creature falls from the sky and then walk on the creature 5000 2
Little Worm This worm emerges from the boss and starts walking towards you
Top Fin Fins of the creature you are flying around 1000 21
Face-like monster This face-like mosnter shoots at you and must be destroyed to pass the stage 1000 20
Tail Tail of the creature which once destroyed, it falls off 1000 30
Bottom Fins Fins of the creature you are flying around 2000 16
Flying worm Creature shot by the bigger creature that goes in one direction 400 1
BOSS: Rokusu's head Head of the creature that shoots lasers 200000 80

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Third Stage: Zarikasu

The difficult part of this level is the giant worm you encounter at the middle of the stage, which has a lot of health and is difficult to dodge.

First power up: (Blue) Appears 8 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Second powerup: (Speed) Appears 20 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Third power up: (Speed) Appears 50 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fourth power up: (Reverse Speed) Appears 82 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fifth powerup: (Speed) Appears 89 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Sixth powerup: (Red Appears) 95 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Seventh power up: (Yellow) Appears 112 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Eighth power up: (1-UP) Appears 130 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Ninth power up: (Speed) Appears 138 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Worm Spawner It spawns worms that attack you 2000 12
Worm Spwned by the worm spawner, this creature is vulnerable on the head, and hen it dies, his parts are dispersed rapidly 500/head&parts 6
Blue sentinel#2 This enemy walks on terrain and shoots at you 800 2
Terrain Face This face shoots eyes that each try to attack you 8000/head 100/eye 14
Bouncer This little enemy moves by jumping 400 1
Large Worm Large worm that moves around in a circle and shoots little mouths up and down 80000 97
Blue sentinel This creature falls from the sky and then walk on the creature 5000 2
BOSS: Zarikasu Four heads on the corners of the screen that shot lasers that bounce 50000/head 20/head

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Fourth Stage: Ghoums

For this level the difficulty relays on the level being unaccessible if you don't kill the Terrain-Grabbers, and them having a pretty good amount of health and only having a weak spot.

First power up: (Red) Appears 6 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Second power up: (Bomb) Appears 10 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Third power up: (Speed) Appears 15 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fourth power up: (Speed) Appears 23 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fifth powerup: (Reverse Speed) Appears 46 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Sixth powerup: (Reverse Speed) Appears 54 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Seventh powerup: (Yellow) Appears 56 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Eighth power up: (Blue) Appears 77 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Ninth powerup: (Speed) Appears 84 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Tenth powerup: (Speed) Appears 86 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Blue sentinel#2 This enemy walks on terrain and shoots at you 800 2
Bouncer This little enemy moves by jumping 400 1
Moving terrain -- -- --
Blue sentinel This creature falls from the sky and then walk on the creature 5000 2
Mouth Mouth over the terrain that shooots 2 projectiles 400 2
Terrain-Grabber This enemy has the function of grabing the different parts of the map yo unite then and not letting you through, so you have to kill them in order to release the map and carry o. Its weak spot is the yellow ball 400 6
BOSS: Ghoums This boss is pretty weak in comparison with the other ones, but it compensates because has only one weak spot, and it's the head that is beneath the mechanical arm 300000 40

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Fifth Stage: Hidra

During this stage, the difficulty relays on how to evade the droplets that fall from the ceiling and are indestructible.

First power up: (Speed) Appears 1 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Second power up: (Speed) Appears 23 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Third power up: (Reverse Speed) Appears 34 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fourth power up: (Reverse Speed) Appears 54 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fifth powerup: (Speed) Appears 64 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen. (This one in particular goes up and down in the screen.)

Sixth power up: (Blue) Appears 74 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Seventh power up: (Red) Appears 98 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen

Eighth powerup: (Yellow) Appears 118 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Red Balls The red balls work as destructible terrain and if there are no ball touching the crystal the crystal will precipitate to the ground 100/ball 1
Explosive plant Explosives plant that exploud after being 0.5 second in the screen shooting projectiles 1000 2
Droplets Droplets that fall from the ceiling and if they fall into the “water” they explode into 6 projectiles. -- --
BOSS: Hidra Aquatic serpent monster that shot creatures (Weak point 2nd ball of the head). It moves from right to left. 500000 78
Creature shot by boss This little creatures shots projectiles 300 1

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Sixth Stage: Darya

During this stage the difficult part is the labirinthic theme it has, as you have to kill the enemies that emerge from the clusters and the enemies that are attached to te walls

First power up: (Speed) Appears 6 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Second power up: (Speed) Appears 17 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Third power up: (Blue) Appears 24 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fourth power up: (Speed) Appears 40 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen. (This falls from the roof and then walks on the floor)

Fifth power up: (Red) Appears 50 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen (Right to left)

Sixth power up: (1-UP) Appears 66 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Seventh power up: (Yellow) Appears 70 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Eighth power up: (Blue) Appears 70 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Ninth power up: (Speed) Appears 70 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Tenth power up: (Speed) Appears 78 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Eleventh power up: (Speed) Appears 78 seconds into the stage in the bottom of the screen.

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Orange Bug Creature that stands in the terrain and when the player approaches makes a circumference pattern 200 1
Flying Ball Balls that appear form the right border of the screen and move in a adn-like pattern 100 1
Blue sentinel#2 This enemy walks on terrain and shoots at you 800 2
Egg Cluster Structure that works like terrain and contains many Pink Eggs 8000 9
Pink Egg Egg that moves slowly and if not destroyed a creature emerges from it and attacks the player 400 1
Egg Creature Creature that emerges from the egg and attacks the player 400 1
Green shrimp This monster moves in a sinusoidal pattern and shoots projectiles 200 1
Moving Terrain -- -- --
Orange Alien Orange alien that is only vulnerable when its head is visible 800 8
Alien Tenctacle Tentacle made of balls that blocks you path -- --
BOSS: Darya It shoots one projectile at a time from the side while other creatures attack you. Its weaknesses are the sides at first and then the center 15000/horns 100000/whole boss 60/each side 336/center
BOSS Helper This little creature attacks you while you are killing the boss 2000 1

Check the collision layout here

Seventh Stage: Bykhee

First power up: (Speed) Appears 1 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Second power up: (Speed) Appears 8 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Third power up: (Speed) Appears 16 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

Fourth power up: (Bomb) Appears 20 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen. (This falls from the roof and then walks on the floor)

Fifth power up: (Yellow) Appears 33 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen (Right to left)

Sixth power up: (Bomb) Appears 38 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Seventh power up: (Blue) Appears 72 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Eighth / Ninth / Tenth power up: (Blue / Yellow / Blue) Appears 94 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Eleventh power up: (Speed) Appears 102 seconds into the stage in the top of the screen.

Twelfth / Thirteenth power up: (Speed / Reverse Speed) Appears 105 seconds into the stage in the right border of the screen.

(Just before the final boss battle)

Fourteenth power up: (Yellow) Appears 107 seconds into the stage in the bottom of the screen.

Fifteenth / Sixteenth power up: (Red / Speed) Appears 108 seconds into the stage in the bottom of the screen.

Seventeenth to Twenty First power up: (Red / Speed / Reverse Speed / Reverse Speed / Bomb) Appears 109 seconds into the stage in the bottom of the screen.

Twenty Second to Twenty Fifth power up: (Speed / Yellow / Reverse Speed / Speed) Appears 107 seconds into the stage in the bottom of the screen.

Image Name Description Score Hit points
Blue sentinel#2 This enemy walks on terrain and shoots at you 800 2
Flying mouth This monster only moves to the left part of the screen very fast 200 1
Blue sentinel This creature falls from the sky and then walk on the creature 5000 2
Ceiling Mouth Mouth in the ceiling that shoots 2 projectiles 400 2
Indestrucible Ball Indestructible ball that moves around the screen -- --
Big Cluster Big creature that shoots auto-aimed projectiles from the back and can move the front tentacles that discover the weak point 10000 15
BOSS: Bykhee 1st phase This final Boss shoots a laser from its head that stays for 2 seconds, and from the arms, they point at you every 1.5 second and shoot a projectile 500000 90
BOSS: Bykhee 2nd phase The creatures that emerge from the egg rotate through the screen and shoot horizontal projectiles 100000/Creature 250/1st 300/2nd 325/3rd 350/4th

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