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en | Technical

luckyrat edited this page Feb 4, 2013 · 13 revisions

This page contains information that some users and reviewers would be interested in but that is too technical to be included in the main user help documentation.

Note that there is a separate page for developers who wish to contribute to the project (as well as information about other ways to contribute)

Visual Studio Projects

The KeeFox Visual Studio solution contains the following projects.

Firefox addon: This is what most people think of as KeeFox - it is the files that make up the .xpi which is installed into a user's browser. The "deps" sub-folder will be populated with the output from several other projects and is also the download destination for any 3rd party dependencies which need to be installed during KeeFox setup (i.e. KeePass and .NET)

KeePassRPC: This is a KeePass plugin which adds a JSON-RPC server to KeePass that a JSON-RPC client (e.g. the KeeFox add-on) can connect to in order to interact with KeePass and the database loaded within it.

Jayrock and Jayrock.JSON: These libraries provide a basic JSON-RPC server. See for more details.

KeeFox Elevate: This simple native windows executable wraps any other executable with a request for privilege escalation. It is used during the KeeFox setup process primarily to ensure that administrators on Vista/7 are able to install applications.

KeePassRPC Copier: This simply copies the KeePassRPC plugin file to a new location; used as part of the setup procedure.

Check For Admin Rights: This simple native windows executable can determine whether the currently logged on user has administrative privileges on the machine. It is executed automatically before the KeeFox setup page is displayed (just after installing the add-on) in order that the appropriate setup procedure can be presented to the user.


Please see these two posts on the KeeFox website:

Firefox Add-on Messaging Service (FAMS)

FAMS provides secure messaging services to Firefox add-ons. You can read more about it here.

Using locales.js outside of KeeFox

  1. Grab the latest locales.js

  2. Include it in your add-on (e.g.: Components.utils.import("resource://addonNameModules/locales.js");)

  3. Modify it to match your add-on's name:

    var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["KFandFAMSLocalisation"]; => var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["YourAddonNameLocalisation"];

    function KFandFAMSLocalisation(chromeURIs, jsonLocales) => function YourAddonNameLocalisation(chromeURIs, jsonLocales)

  4. Initialise:

    this.locale = new YourAddonNameLocalisation(["chrome://addonname/locale/","chrome://addonname/locale/"]);
    // This example uses only Chrome URIs but you could pass in JSON directly instead / also.

  5. Use in Javascript:

    locale.$STRF(key, formatArgs); // or locale.$STR(key);

  6. Use in XUL:

    window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    ['array of attribute names that will be localised','e.g.:','label','tooltiptext','accesskey'] // The text content of each matching element will also be localised ); }, false);

Supplying JSON localisations

You can supply your localisations in JSON format if that's easier (e.g. internet delivery or sharing translation work with a Chrome add-on). Either supply a Chrome localisation JSON object for the user's current locale* or supply a single JSON object that contains translations for all locales. If you're interested in the latter, just use the following example structure as a guide:

// This identifies the version of this structure. Maybe it will never be updated but we cover ourselves just in case and  
can also use it as a convenient check to establish whether a given chunk of JSON is in this format or in Google Chrome's l10n format
"schemaVersion": 1,

// Each locale is contained in an object identified by it's code name (the same one used by normal Firefox localisation)
// The unique string name identifier contains the translated string value
// <string value> can contain replacement placeholders as per .properties files (e.g. %s)
"<string name>": "<string value>"
//, More locale objects

* In practice, I expect a few more hours of work will be needed before the Chrome format is a useful alternative. For example, parameters won't work yet (mainly becuase Chrome takes a different approach to parameter selection but also becuase it's not been a priority for me to implement that feature yet). Feel free to implement and send a pull request. See for more details on the Chrome format.



The information in this Wiki is out of date.

It is only of interest if you are using the old add-on called KeeFox in a very old (insecure) version of Firefox or other browsers based on the old Firefox XUL technology.

Read the manual for Kee and KeeBird instead.

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