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Mark Moissette edited this page Mar 31, 2013 · 1 revision

#The Coffeescad language Coffeescad is built upon Coffeescript, therefore, unless specified otherwise, any language feature, syntax, code structure etc that is true for Coffeescript is also valid for Coffeescad. When in doubt , please lookup relevant elements in the Coffeescript documentation.

This includes (amongs other things)

  • If/else statements and other conditionals
  • Loops and Comprehensions
  • Array Slicing and Splicing with Ranges
  • operators
  • Classes, Inheritance
  • etc

###Why Coffeescript ? Coffeescript was chosen as the base language for coffeescad for a few reasons:

  • built upon javascript (can run in your browser)
  • very clean syntax (I am a pythonista, so that matters a lot to me :)
  • object oriented elements: classes, inheritance etc
  • "write less , code more" !

Of course, in addition to what is provided by CS , there are a number of built in classes, methods , macros etc specifically for 3d modelling !

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