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Mark Moissette edited this page Mar 31, 2013 · 9 revisions


The language

For more info about CoffeeScript, the language used in CoffeeSCad please see here

The user interface

Fint out more here

Core notions

Primitives and transformations

Follow the links to find out more about:

The assembly

The assembly instance represent the root of your project's objects hierarchy: any object you want to see displayed/renderer/processed should either be added to the hierarchy directly , or added as a child of an object in the hierarchy

Adding objects

whenever you want to add an object to your assembly just type


for example to draw a cube:

cube = new Cube({size:20})
assembly.add cube

each object is a sub-assembly in itself, so you can "add" sub elements to them like so : (this will display both the cube and the sphere)

cube = new Cube({size:20})
assembly.add cube
sphere = new Sphere()

Unlike the results of union boolean operation, each object in a hiearchy is a seperate entity (which, itself can be created using any of the transforms: union, substraction, translate etc)

A simple example can be found under projects->examples->basics->start here