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GlueX Thrown Topology Documentation

Justin Stevens edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

Example study

An example of studying the generated (i.e. thrown) topology from a simulated events is provided on this GitHub page

If you don't have access to the DocDB where the PDF file linked there is located, please look on the Google Drive.

These studies look at a sample of "inclusive" simulation where many different reactions are simulated, with the goal of identifying what background reactions contribute to the events selected by your DSelector. The steps to follow are:

  1. Review the histograms defined and filled in the How To DSelector with "ThrownTopology" in the name
  2. Include similar "ThrownTopology" histograms in your DSelector and fill them
  3. Analyze the inclusive MC samples with your DSelector

Inclusive simulation samples

The inclusive simulation samples are produced by an event generator called "bggen", which is based on PYTHIA. Currently there are ROOT analysis TTrees available for most reactions under study by our group at the path below. To analyze these files, replace the path to the data ROOT trees in runSelector.C with this path (Note: this can also be done in the script to submit batch submission jobs for the simulation as well).
