Synopsys Detect scans code bases in your projects and folders to perform compositional analysis and functions as an intelligent scan client for Black Duck and other Synopsys SCA products. Synopsys Detect can send scan results to Black Duck, which generates risk analysis when identifying open source components, licenses, and security vulnerabilities.
Available from GitHub for Linux/MacOS by running:
bash <(curl -s -L
Available from GitHub for Windows by running in command prompt:
powershell "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12'; irm$(Get-Random) | iex; detect"
Available from GitHub for Windows/Linux by running in powershell:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12'; $Env:DETECT_EXIT_CODE_PASSTHRU=1; irm$(Get-Random) | iex; detect
For scripts, please see Detect Scripts.
For AirGap, please use our Artifactory.
The latest quickstart documentation is here.
The latest full documentation is here.
Links to certain earlier versions can be found here.
Additional information and help is available from the Synopsys Software Integrity Community.