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Releases: isovic/graphmap

GraphMap v0.3.0

15 Apr 12:29
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Many important updates compared to previous version, including:

  • change in command line arguments - the current version is not compatible to the previous ones, please read the usage details
  • precompiling of the libraries is no longer required - simply make modules and the codebase will be synced and ready for compilation with the main code.
  • reorganized major parts of the code
  • new output format: BLASR's m5
  • set default thresholds on the E-value and the mapq
  • ...and much more.

For more details, check out the changelog.

Patch for anchored mode alignment

16 Nov 01:14
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There were two subtile bugs with the anchored alignment which would be observed mostly only when aligning over large N regions.

Overlapping modes + bug fixes

12 Nov 19:52
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In this version overlap modes ('-w owler' and '-w overlapper' are merged from the dev branch. Also, many tiny bug fixes have been made from release 0.21, as well as an increase in speed of processing, especially for Illumina-type data.

GraphMap preprint version

10 Aug 14:11
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This version of the GraphMap algorithm was used for the purposes of our preprint manuscript.