Releases: isghj5/mm-rando
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 79.2
One of the grottos would always crash, rewrote grotto placement system
Carpenter could crash in odd cases
Clock placement weight is lowered
Some tall grass were never randomized
If Kotake isn't randomized, item restrictions are not lifted from the area, as FD sword can break mushroom giving
Some NumaHana blocking areas
Fixed a few snowball item restrictions being wrong
Enemizer: NCT tree hp could be moved from the tree even though the tree could never be randomized in enemizer
Enemizer: bigocto randomization is disabled
Note: the new snowing actor can be removed by removing SnowAnywhere.mmra, if you want to play with it and you find its snowing where a softsoil is, and its outside, and you need to use storms, you can visit the soil on tuesday to use storms
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 79.1
One goron village snowball was mistyped, so it would always get removed instead of blocked by the check behind it
Two mountain village snowballs had their parameters reversed, and would only stick around correctly if BOTH were not-junk
One of the grottos placed in the world would always crash.
Enemizer: shabom is now hittable with arrows
Snowhead temple boss key wizrobe is moved further from the door (half way between the back wall and the middle) so the replacement enemy is not spawning right on top of the player
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Doggy race soft soil was always moved, even if not ranndomized
Cow grotto cows could be randomized if they were in logic
Frozen goron was missing logic to check if Hungry goron was in logic, could be randomized away and take hungry with him
Unused falling bridge could softlock in honey and darling
Some dungeon switches were being randomized without considering the logic for the checks behind them
Goron village snowballs are now shuffled per-item, so snowballs that have to remain dont block all snowballs being randomized
NCT heart piece item is moved to nearest pillar if the tree is randomized
Secret shrine pots are now shuffled per-item, so they will remain if they are important
Clay pots have been defined for underwater placement
Some more clay pot drop variety
NumaHana has escaped
It's snowing chat ☃️
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 78.2
Minor Hotfixes:
Twinislands scarecrow didnt factor in the small snowball
Scarecrows being randomized in trading post didnt factor in being required for scarecrow, now one of them are always un-randomized if free scarecrow is off
Accidentally left in light block randomization, light arrows still crash if you hit them
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 78.1
Hotfix: removing bigocto wasn't considering both bigocto and monkies could be randomized, and one needs to exist for picto
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 78.0
Snowballs in snowhead, path to snowhead, and mountain village are now set to individually randomize while leaving the snowballs with items intact
Intro cutscene Anju and Link-goro should work now
Bombers are now randomimzed differently from in-game so they make intro more interesting
Laundrypool bell randomized
Trading shop Scarecrow is now randomized if song of time is not randomized
Big octo is now randomizable, small chance of being removed from the game (not a hint of logic, no way I'm adding hundreds of checks to its randomization, its just a low chance of free randomization)
Some adjustments to chance to spawn/remove
Some of the checks-per-snowball for twinilands were wrong
Deku Patrol guard kickout in pirates fortress rooms changed so it doesnt throw you back in front of another guard in hookshot room
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 77.0
Block several non-moving enemies from replacing the clay pots in istt lava ceiling wizrobe room, as they are hard to access from ground floor and hard to kill
Small weight adjustments for multiple actors to reduce or increase rate of placement
Several actors now have an added low chance of not being randomized even if they lead to junk, because they are almost always randomized
Garo free hints was broken, where the garo would never spawn
Tatl talk spots had switch flags that were being ignored, possible that replacement actors could have triggered them and made the talk spots vanish
Blocking enemy types wasn't working correcly in pirates fortress or greatbay coast, leading to actors blocking bridges and doors
Actorizer was ignoring if checks behind an actor should consider heart pieces required when the all hearts win condition was active
Hiploop has been blocked from spawning in wort and garo master rooms of gbt and secret shrine, as the water in the room instantly kills them
Butterflies on the moon were classified as ground enemies not flying, leading to weird actorizer replacements stuck in mid-air
Woodfall fairy jar wasnt considered in logic, was always randomized which would always remove the check
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 76.0
WARNING: it has been reported to me that garo hints in ikana are broken: they do not spawn, the reason why is unknown
Cow grotto cows are now randomized
Twin island snowballs can now be randomized per-snowball, such that the snowballs with items are still intact
New BadBat combos are no longer place-able in ikana graveyard, because if its not the exact same combination dampe will not activate, however there is a 15% chance of non-randomization so they will be vanilla for more junk times to compensate
Several actor weights adjusted
More supply bushes are placed in the world
There is more variety of bushes/rocks put in the world, with better drop variety from them
Dummy Eye switches should be placable again on walls
Carpenters can now mine Graves
Goron pound switches place-able
Actor code overwriting changed to mirror 74 and earlier, as certain code changes would crash re-compiler emulators.
Carpenters blocked from being put back onto
Playing with randomized music had a ~1/10 chance of the seed failing because of combat music budget
Wooden plank walls on GBT dexihands could block clay pots from being breakable without bombchus
Goron pound switches weren't counting for dyna or switch flags, in rare cases new actors could trigger snowhead pillar
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 75.1
Hotfix: Unused OOT water temple streaming whirlpool was crashing
Warning: There is an uncommon crash caused by catching the bomber kids on wiivc and console, haven't replicated yet
Warning: While in [Fourth day Glitch] another player got stuck in a softlock attempting to take swamp boat to deku palace, the cause of this bug still has not been discovered, please save state before attempting fourth day.
Warning: Some actors have broken behavior and should not be engaged with if you find them in the wild: Evan the piano player, you can talk to him to get the hint but don't play music for them (softlock). Japas: playing with him is softlock.
Note: The poe sisters are annoying and can chase you through the wall, if this is too annoying you can simply remove their modded file in MMR/actors/Enemies/ChasingPoSiters.mmra to stop them from doing this.
Enemizer/Actorizer Test version 75.0
74.X introduced some actor breaking bugs in custom actors, this has been fixed
Notebook itself could be considered junk by actorizer and could become un-reachable
Postman and Gorman moved from door in milkbar, as replacement actors could cause bugs being stuck behind the door
great bay beach has more flavor actor placements