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App config parameters

jmacura edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 12 revisions

To configure hslayers-ng based map project, various configuration options can be used. They have to be specified either in the main application file (usually app.component.ts's constructor) using this.hsConfig.update(...) method.

You can find the TS typings in the HsConfigObject type.


constructor(private hsConfig: HsConfig) {
    default_layers: [

Or in the hslayersNgConfig(ol) function in case of the "simple" application.


function hslayersNgConfig(ol) {
  return {
    default_layers: [

The following page describes all the configuration options grouped by theme.


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed in Example
Boolean false true
Setting which allows adding of user provided WMS... vector file or other data to map. It is used to control display of OWS panel in addLayers module. Previously, this used to be set using Core.singleDatasources property which is now deprecated. ( Version added: 1.14.0)
yes 6.1.0
Array<String> false
show['wms', 'wmts', 'wfs', 'kml', 'gpx', 'geojson', 'arcgis']
Array of possible dataset url types in dataset/url panel.
Array<Object> false Datasource catalogues which are used in Datasource browser panel. Example
Number false
Use datasource endpoints paging.itemsPerPage property... How many items to display in dataset list.
yes, since 1.15.2. 2.5.0
Boolean false Specify if datasets must not be allowed to be added to map. yes yes
Array<String> false
show['kml', 'gpx', 'geojson', 'shp']
Possible dataset file types in dataset/file panel.

Datasources example:

        title: "Layman",
        url: `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/layman/client`,
        user: 'browser',
        type: "layman",
        liferayProtocol: 'http'
        title: "Services",
        url: "",
        language: 'eng',
        type: "micka",
        code_list_url: ' 
        title: "Hub layers",
        url: "",
        language: 'eng',
        type: "micka",
        code_list_url: ' 

Feature table

Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Array<VectorLayer<VectorSource>> false
Layers used in... the feature table panel (undefined by default).


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Array<ol.Group> false
An array of ol.layer.Group objects... used to group layers into topics. Each box layer must contain layers property which is an array of ol.layer.Layer objects similar to default_layers config property. Name of the group is contained in "title" property and path to icon image can be provided in "img" property.
ol.View true OpenLayers view which specifies default map center, projection, zoom etc. Example
Array<Layer<Source>> true
Array of layers which... are OpenLayers layers and are not part of a layer group or "box" layer. They can contain extra parameters not specified in OL API such as "path", "show_in_manager", "base", "position", etc.
string false Layers which should be added to the map on init https://compo.url/rest/workspaces/user/maps/map
Base layers false Set composition as a source for baselayers Example
Boolean false true Enable map interactions, such as, double click zoom, keyboard zoom, pinch rotate, and more
Boolean false true
When set to true..., the list of current map layers is saved into the browser's localStorage once the application is closed so they can be restored after the reload.
Boolean false false
Description... - true: map will zoom on scroll event only if platform modifier key is also pressed. This key is CTRL on Windows or Linux and META key on macOS, respectively. Useful for page-wide maps incorporated in a singe-page design.
- false: default. No additional key is required. Map zooms on sole mouse-scroll event.( Version added: 1.14.0)

Default view example:

new ol.View({
    center: ol.proj.transform([17.474129, 52.574000], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'), //Latitude longitude    to Spherical Mercator
    zoom: 4,
    units: "m"

Default layers example:

new ol.layer.Tile({
    title: "Ilida plastics kg/ha per year",
    source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
        url: '',
        params: {
            LAYERS: 'ilida_cultivation_plastics',
            INFO_FORMAT: undefined,
            FORMAT: "image/png",
            ABSTRACT: "Plastic waste in Ilida municipality"
        crossOrigin: "anonymous"
    path: 'Ilida Thematic Data',
    base: false,
    visible: true,
    opacity: 0.8

Base layers type:

baseLayers: {
    url: string; //Composition url
    default: string; //Layer name of visible basemap

Base layers example:

baseLayers: {
    url: '', 
    default: 'CORINE Land Cover 2006', 

Map Swipe

Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Options false Map swipe config object. Example
String false 'vertical' Initial map swipe slider orientation.

Map swipe options:

MapSwipeOptions = {
  orientation?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';

Map swipe options example:

mapSwipeOptions: {
        orientation: 'vertical',

Layer Manager

Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Number false 40 Minimum distance in pixels between clusters.
Number false 0 Sets a delay for tooltip closing.
Boolean false Set to true to open layer manager when map composition is loaded.
Boolean false true
Determines behavior of exclusive layers... (layer.exclusive = true) visibility. If set to true, only layers with same path are affected by exclusivity.
Boolean false true since 8.0 Display layer manager layers in reverse order.
String false Specifies time display format for layer manager time-aware WMS layers.

Share Service and Compositions Catalogue

Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Boolean false false Specifies if advanced save map form should be created.
Boolean false Show drop-down for filtering of compositions based on keywords. yes yes
String false
URL of compositions catalogue... Example: Use datasources param instead.
yes yes
Object false
Used to build GUI... where the user can change the source for compositions catalogue or add his own.
Object false
Default endpoint of the application... if multiple endpoints are available (for compositions catalogue, etc.).
String true Fully qualified domain name part of the URL used as the remote endpoint.
String false
URL of compositions catalogue... Example: Use datasources param instead.
yes yes
Object false Replaced by hostname.shareService yes 12.0
String true
URL or path of status manager... Usually it is on the same server and then '/wwwlibs/statusmanager2/index.php' or similar can be used. Replaced by hostname.shareService.url
yes 12.0
Object false
String true
URL or path to share service... Usually it is on the same server and then '/wwwlibs/statusmanager2/index.php' or similar can be used.
String false
String false
The type of the hostname... (denoting for which purposes it should be used) – e.g. compositions_catalogue (for compositions catalogue), status_manager (for status manages), default (fallback for the previous two), user (overriding the defaults).
yes yes
Boolean false
Should be able to delete... or change this hostname object from the list of hostnames.
yes yes
String false
Variable of project name... which is used as a project GET parameter queries to status manager when loading compositions list and making updates and deletes.
String false
URL or path of status manager... Usually it is on the same server and then '/wwwlibs/statusmanager2/index.php' or similar can be used. Replaced by shareServiceUrl
yes 12.0
String false
URL or path to share service... Usually it is on the same server and then '/wwwlibs/statusmanager2/index.php' or similar can be used.


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed in Example
String true Configures assets location. Example
Object false Allows to display/hide individual GUI components. Also possible to control order of tools in toolbar. (Version added: 1.15.0) Example
Function false Manipulated sidebar items and created extra menu items by using AngularJS $compile function. 3.0
String false Value 'md' used to switch to Material Design instead of Bootstrap. 3.0
Boolean false Specify if panels can be dragged out of side-panel. yes
Boolean false true
Specify if import css files... (openlayers.css, bootstrap.min.css, icon fonts). Set this to false for webpack usage where css is imported/required specifically outside HSL.
yes yes
Boolean false Use componentsEnabled.geolocationButton parameter instead. yes 3.0
Object false Default
Dictionary for overriding of side-panel widths for each of the main components.See more details about panelWidths of custom panels here
Object false Default Dictionary for overriding panel visibility.
Boolean false false
Hide all GUI elements... leaving only the map itself. This is a shorthand for componentsEnabled.guiOverlay: false and mapInteractionsEnabled: false.
String false fullscreen Possible values: 'fullscreen', 'container'. yes yes
String false right One of 'left', 'right' or 'bottom'.
Boolean false true
Enable sidebar function... to open/close sidebar (if false sidebar panel cannot be opened/closed through GUI)
Boolean false window.innerWidth < 767 Specify whether sidebar should be opened or closed on startup. (Version added: 1.12.0)
Boolean false right
Load bootstrap CSS from... node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.isolated.css , which can be generated using npm explore hslayers-ng -- npm run isolate-bootstrap if hslayers-ng is dependency of your app or npm run isolate-bootstrap if you have cloned hslayers-ng repo directly. See Bootstrap isolation.
yes yes
String true Set the application style theme. (Version added: 1.13.0)
yes, replaced by SASS variables... See Styles.
Number false 767 Pixel value of CSS breakpoint activating GUI changes for mobile view. Deactivated when 'sidebarPosition' is set to 'bottom'. mobileBreakpoint: 767

panelsEnabled default:

    compositions: true,
    query: true, // info panel showing query layer results
    info: true, // REMOVED in 14.0, renamed to 'query'
    toolbar: false, // REMOVED in 14.0, moved to componentsEnabled
    draw: false,
    addData: true,
    layerManager: true,
    legend: true,
    print: true,
    saveMap: true,
    language: true,
    share: true,
    feature_crossfilter: true,
    featureTable: true,
    tracking: false,
    tripPlanner: false,
    mapSwipe: false, //A component for splitting a map into two parts with a slider, allowing the user to display the contents of different layers in 
                     //parallel on top of each other.
    sensors: false,

panelWidths default

      default: 425,
      ows: 700,
      composition_browser: 550,
      addData: 700,

assetsPath example:

For simple apps use assetsPath: '[email protected]/assets/' or alike (replace 3.1.0 with the actual version of HSL you are using)

In discontinued HSLayers-NG versions 1 and 2 this was set via: window.HSL_PATH + 'assets',

componentsEnabled example:

Since version 15.0 you can use componentsEnabled to control the order of tools in the toolbar -- it is the same as the order of "xToolbar" keywords (if set to true) in the componentsEnabled object.

    guiOverlay: true, //all GUI components at once
    sidebar: true, //REMOVED in 3.0. REPLACED BY sidebarPosition: 'invisible' //sidebar with UI panels. Visible panels can be set with panelsEnabled 
    info: true, //composition status / loading info
    toolbar: true, //all toolbars at once: draw, search and measure
    drawToolbar: true, //toolbar to draw/edit features
    searchToolbar: true, //toolbar with search field
    measureToolbar: true, //toolbar to measure distances/areas
    geolocationButton: true, //button which allows to geolocate the user and optionally follow his/her position
    defaultViewButton: true, //button to zoom and pan to an initial extent
    mapControls: true, //buttons to zoom in/out and the scale
    basemapGallery: false, //Move basemaps list into separate GUI component located in the map
    mapSwipe: false, //Enables map-swipe right after app starts
    queryPopup: true, //Enables queryPopup functionality

panelWidths example:

    compositions: 500


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Array<WidgetItem> false Allows the user to add custom widgets to query popup.
Boolean false Specifies if query panel should be opened when finished drawing.
'none' , 'click' , 'hover' false none When the feature pop-ups should be displayed. (Version added: 1.23.0) Example
'notWithin' 'hidden' false
How to display point clicked on the map... 'notWithin' - Hides clicked point feature in case it would overlap with other features 'hidden' - Hides clicked point feature at all times
Object false Object for setting query options.
Boolean false false Allow selecting and displaying info about multiple vector layer features.
ShowArray<QueryPopupWidgetsType> | Array<string>
Show['layer-name', 'feature-info', 'clear-layer']
Configures query popup widgets..., the order in which they are generated, and visibility.

popUpDisplay example:

  • 'hover' - whenever mouse hovers the feature
  • 'click' - when user clicks on the feature
  • 'none' - no pop-ups ever.

Custom popup widget

      queryPopupWidgets: ['layer-name', 'wb-feature-info'],
      customQueryPopupWidgets: [
        {name: 'wb-feature-info', component: WbFeatureInfoComponent},


  selector: 'wb-feature-info',
  templateUrl: './feature-info.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class WbFeatureInfoComponent
  extends HsQueryPopupWidgetBaseComponent
  implements OnInit
  layerDescriptor: any;
  attributesForHover: any[] = [];
  name = 'feature-info';
  @Input() data: {
    layerDescriptor: any;
    attributesForHover: any[];
    app: string;
    service: HsQueryPopupServiceModel;

External text feature actions

It is possible to zoom to features, display hover pop-up over them or do custom actions when user hovers, clicks or triggers any other event on external HTML elements such as links in text outside HSLayers-NG. To configure such behaviour set:

 domFeatureLink: [
          domSelector: string; 
          feature: string | Feature | Function(layer, domElement); 
          event: string;
          actions: ['zoomToExtent' | 'panToCenter' | 'showPopup', 'hidePopup' | Function(feature, domElement, event)];  
  • domSelector - a string containing CSS selector such as #link1 or .links
  • feature - Must be an ID property of feature, feature instance or a function, which will return one feature given a layer and an HTML element upon which the event was triggered on.
  • event - any HTML event name on HTML element which can be handled by addEventListener
  • actions - an array of predefined actions or a function to be executed on the found feature.


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
String true Geonames API username.
String | Function | Object false ['geonames'] For adding additional geo-data search providers.
String false Specify which search provider should be used. Can contain values: 'sdi4apps_openapi', 'geonames'.


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Object false Object containing senslog configuration. Example

senslog example:

    url: '',
    user_id: 6, //Needed for senslogOT
    group: 'test', //Needed for MapLogOT
    user: 'test' //Needed for MapLogOT


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Object false Specifies parameters for generation of shareable link of the map.
String false Domain name of URL where parmalink points to.
String false Path name of application on the server which permalink points to.
Function false By default tinyurl is used, but user provided function in config.shortenUrl can be used. Example
String false Hashtag or any other text to append to title generated for sharing in social networks.

shortenUrl example:

function(url) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        $http.get("" + url, {
            longUrl: url
        }).then(function(response) {
        }, function(err) {


Property Type Mandatory Default Value Description Deprecated Removed Example
Array<Object> false
Layers to be crossfilterable... Each element is an object which contains layer indexes and feature property to group/count the features.
yes yes Example
String false User generated Default layer path (container) for newly added drawing layers. (Version added: 1.14.0)
String false cs, lv
Used for setting available languages for the application..., that can later be switched to inside the "Change language" panel. (Version added: 3.1.0)
String false en Used for setting application language on load. (Version added: 2.5.0) Example
[key: string]: string false Allows adding natively not supported languages. (Version added: 2.5.0) Example
Boolean false false
Determines whether the last point of drawn (sketch) feature... should be preserved or not. If yes, minimum of 3 saved vertices are necessary to finish drawing of polygon (2 otherwise). (Version added: 2.4.0)
String false /cgi-bin/hsproxy.cgi?
Url to use for proxy in which case url=... parameter is added to the get request. If other proxy service is used non-encoded url will be added directly to the proxyPrefix specified e.g. "/proxy/" in case of "/proxy/".
Boolean false true Whether to use proxy or not. Might be useful in Cordova apps, where proxying is not needed.
Object false (Version added: 2.5.0) Example
Number false
Duration of toast error message visibility [ms]

translationOverrides example:

translationOverrides: {
    "lv": {
      "open": "atvērt",
      "SENSORS": {
        "Humidity": "Mitrums",
        "Radiation": "Radiāciju",

crossfilterable_layers example:

    layer_ix: 1,
    attributes: [""]

enabledLanguages example:

enabledLanguages: "lv, cs",

additionalLanguages example:

 //Use together with `enabledLanguages` and `translationOverrides`.
  "language": "esp",
  "enabledLanguages": "esp,en,lv",
  "additionalLanguages": {
   "esp": "Espanol"

language example:

language: "en",
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