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Releases: hotwax/available-to-promise

Release 3.3.0

06 Dec 05:02
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What's Changed

  • Improved: changed the inventory channel ui label on publish inventory page(#384) by @R-Sourabh in #385
  • Improved: Added X-Frame-Options, CSP, strict-transport-security and Permissions-Policy headers in firebase config in context of soc2 compliance (#104). by @ravilodhi in #387
  • Implemented: support to unArchive archived rules (#386) by @amansinghbais in #388

Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0

Release 3.2.0

14 Oct 13:44
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What's Changed

  • Implemented: support for permissions in the app and added suppot to make api calls on redirection oms(#323) by @R-Sourabh in #381

Full Changelog: v3.1.3...v3.2.0

Release 3.1.3

08 Oct 08:53
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What's Changed

  • Fixed: custom order limit alert opening issue in case of undefined orderlimit (#378) by @amansinghbais in #379

Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.1.3

Release 3.1.2

08 Oct 06:20
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.1.1...v3.1.2

Release 3.1.1

02 Sep 13:32
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What's Changed

  • Improved: added empty state in case of no jobs and no store pickup groups, and fixed issue in group fetching (#354) by @amansinghbais in #368
  • Improved: Handled GET solrFacets api response as per the updated schema (#369). by @ravilodhi in #370
  • Improved: operator to be used in rule condition for facilities / channels selection (#371) by @amansinghbais in #372

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.1

Release 3.1.0

08 Aug 07:11
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What's Changed

  • Updated: Preserved Formatting of Group Descriptions in Cards(#334) by @R-Sourabh in #358
  • Fixed: error handling in login process in case of object in error (dxp-258) by @amansinghbais in #359
  • Implemented: app version component from the dxp-components (#219) by @amansinghbais in #361
  • Implemented: i18n using the dxp-components (#259) by @amansinghbais in #286
  • Fixed: wrong toast message getting displayed when custom orderLimit value prefilled with 0 (#332) by @amansinghbais in #362
  • Improved rule condition generation template based on backend compatibility (#363) by @amansinghbais in #364
  • Implemented: functionality to the Publish segment of the Inventory channels page (#356) by @amansinghbais in #357
  • Improved: added chips for selected filters in the product filter modal (#304) by @amansinghbais in #306
  • Improved: product filters fetching logic, and added support for client side searching and infinite scrolling (#360) by @amansinghbais in #366

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1.0

Release 3.0.2

20 Jun 11:14
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2

Release 3.0.1

06 Jun 09:22
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What's Changed

  • Implemented: support for all facilities/channels selection while rule creation and updation (#347) by @amansinghbais in #348

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1

Release 3.0.0

29 May 09:00
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What's Changed

  • Fixed: build failure of app on node version 20 by @k2maan in #222
  • Improved: workflow to allow user to select channel to set threshold for, while scheduling threshold job(#224). by @ravilodhi in #225
  • Fixed: Hidden item-divider when Channels are not found and Moved channel options at last of the list(#228) by @shanmukhdutt in #230
  • Fixed: Menu item is displaying as selected(#277) by @shanmukhdutt in #231
  • Fixed: Service worker registration error(dxp-253) by @shanmukhdutt in #234
  • Added: Support to Remove Duplicate Permission Ids passed in the API request. by @shanmukhdutt in #233
  • Implemented: app version component from dxp-components(#219) by @Ritika-Patel08 in #240
  • Fixed: Permission issue when defining a base permission for app(dxp-254) by @R-Sourabh in #244
  • Implemented: ui for the new threshold app. (#238) by @amansinghbais in #239
  • Implemented: login flow for the app (#246) by @amansinghbais in #248
  • Improved:Updated the oms-api package to resolve login issues encountered when /api is omitted from the complete URL. Additionally, implemented a check in the app to handle direct URL access. by @R-Sourabh in #241
  • Improved: app to use composition api instead of using options api (#247) by @amansinghbais in #249
  • Fixed: code to highlight the menu item for their child routes (#253) by @amansinghbais in #254
  • Implemented: functionality to the threshold rule page (#250) by @amansinghbais in #251
  • Improved: app to upgrade ionic to v7.5.8(#226) by @ymaheshwari1 in #229
  • Fixed: infinite scroll issue when used with searchbar(dxp-289) by @R-Sourabh in #252
  • Improved: Update the version of dxp-component(#275) by @R-Sourabh in #243
  • Implemented: functionality to all the rule pages (#255) by @amansinghbais in #256
  • Implemented: logic to reorder the atp rules (#257) by @amansinghbais in #261
  • Improved: code to disable schedule actions when not required (#262) by @amansinghbais in #263
  • Improved: code for making threshold value mandatory while creation (#266) by @amansinghbais in #267
  • Fixed: html tags not working in the translations (#226) by @R-Sourabh in #269
  • Implemented: functionality to the facility segment of the Shipping rules page (#264) by @amansinghbais in #265
  • Improved: used closeOutline inside all the modal and added missing entry in translation (#273) by @amansinghbais in #274
  • Fixed: rules total count not updating on archiving rule, showed bottom line in rule card and required astrick in case of channels (#275) by @amansinghbais in #276
  • Implemented functionality to the channels section of Inventory channels page (#258) by @amansinghbais in #260
  • Implemented: loader throughout the app where ever needed (#270) by @amansinghbais in #277
  • Fixed: offSet for fetching solrFacets to allow pagination (#271) by @amansinghbais in #272
  • Fixed: facility validation not working properly while store pickup and shipping rule creation (#278) by @amansinghbais in #279
  • Improved: added empty state text in the channels section in rule creation (#280) by @amansinghbais in #281
  • Improved: payload for fetching using pageSize and reverted app level check for expired records (#283) by @amansinghbais in #284
  • Improved: added support for login using full oms url (#297) by @amansinghbais in #298
  • Improved: logic to fetch ruleActions and ruleConditions while fetching the rules for a group (#299) by @amansinghbais in #300
  • Fixed: missing systemMessageRemoteId while scheduling a ruleGroup on runNow action by @amansinghbais in #301
  • Improved: code to fetch inventory channels based on selected product store and added empty state (#302) by @amansinghbais in #303
  • Improved: added empty state in product filters, added functionality to close chip in facility group card, and fixed bugs (#291) by @amansinghbais in #294
  • Improved: logic to allow user unselect facility group from the rule conditions which are removed from product store. (#289) by @amansinghbais in #290
  • Fixed: threshold value validation, empty states, and ui level issues (#287) by @amansinghbais in #288
  • Fixed: backspace not working on threshold value input (#291) by @amansinghbais in #309
  • Fixed: ion-segment not coming in line with page title in inventory-channnels page (#305) by @amansinghbais in #307
  • Improved: disabled click event over list item if the item is already applied in another type (#320) by @amansinghbais in #322
  • Improved: logic to not use persisted facilityGroups (#310) by @amansinghbais in #311
  • Improved: empty state messages for consistency (#287) by @amansinghbais in #312
  • Improved: styling of the rule card for better user interface. (#317) by @amansinghbais in #318
  • Improved: logic to get count of facilities associated with a group (#291) by @amansinghbais in #319
  • Improved: enhance the rule updation flow to provide user with a create rule like page to update rule (#308) by @amansinghbais in #316
  • Improved: functionality to reorder rules (#282) by @amansinghbais in #285
  • Fixed: issues related to product store selector, rule creation, state persisting, loader not dismissing on store selector (#313) by @amansinghbais in #321
  • Improved: rule item card to use selectedsegment from state and logic to show group id when name not available on create rule page (#323) by @amansinghbais in #324
  • Improved: made channel group name mandatory in edit group modal (#325) by @amansinghbais in #326
  • Improved: fixed the empty state message in rule pages (#287) by @amansinghbais in #329
  • Fixed: card actions size for consistency all over the app and updated the title for update rule page (#291) by @amansinghbais in #330
  • Improved: page entering hooks, popover dismissing behavior, validation in rule creation, and toast message. (#313) by @amansinghbais in #327
  • Improved: generation and updation logic for rule conditions and actions (#328) by @amansinghbais in #336
  • Fixed: lines bottom in rule card and schedule card, ruleGroup run history fetching issue, and orderLimit updating issue (#328) by @amansinghbais in #338
  • Implemented: functionality to the facility segment of store pickup page (#264) by @amansinghbais in #340
  • Implemented: support for sso from launchpad (#337) by @amansinghbais in #341
  • Improved: showed error message from the server while inventory channel creation and updated firebase configuration (#333) by @amansinghbais in #342
  • Implemented: merge threshold-2.0 to the main branch by @amansinghbais in #345

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v3.0.0

Release 2.8.0

03 Nov 13:19
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What's Changed

  • Implemented: centralized oms instance navigator in settings page from dxp-components (#177) by @amansinghbais in #217
  • Implemented: logic in try catch as in some case the logout api makes redirection, and then we are unable to parse the resp by @sanskar345 in #218

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.8.0