Releases: hotwax/available-to-promise
Releases · hotwax/available-to-promise
Release 1.0.0
What's Changed
- Added IonicSDK to Threshold Management App (#1vra01n) by @Yashi002 in #1
- Improved: code to prepare loader on app mounted and assign it to null on dismiss (#1x68xu9) by @Yashi002 in #2
- Implemented code for instance url (#1ym28pz) by @bashu22tiwari in #6
- Added .env.examplr file (#1ytq0q0) by @bashu22tiwari in #8
- Fixed the position of input label on login page (#1ym3jwv) by @azkyakhan in #10
- Added md mode (#1zax3p6) by @bashu22tiwari in #13
- Added OMS information on settings page#1y2ract by @disha1202 in #12
- Implemented static UI of select product screen (#1x69ahw) by @azkyakhan in #3
- Implemented code for static UI of select facility screen (#1x69ajp) by @azkyakhan in #4
- Improved code by using logo component for light and dark theme on login page(#1zw59ab) by @azkyakhan in #14
- Upgraded Ionic 5 to Ionic 6 (#1yky3v7) by @azkyakhan in #9
- Updated the UI of settings page(#1z54hy7) by @disha1202 in #15
- Added: pull request build check(#20k1511) by @disha1202 in #18
- Improved: facilityName should be displayed instead of facilityId in store selection along with Store as label ( #21fn6e5 ). by @meet-aniket in #20
- Removed fullscreen=true from ion-content of all pages(#21aqct8) by @azkyakhan in #19
- Added slot icon-only to ion-icon in ion-button(#238uwuv) by @Nihu-Sharma in #24
- Updated color of ion-icon in ion-chip, ion-chip outline and ion-item lines in dark mode(#238p38r) by @azkyakhan in #23
- Fixed build failure for node's version 16.13.2 ( #1yky3v7 ). by @meet-aniket in #21
- Updated Readme(#1ytqp4e) by @meet-aniket in #22
- Updated Readme(#1ytqp4e) by @Yashi002 in #11
- Improved routing of all the pages(#24wce2b) by @azkyakhan in #27
- Added PWA Configuration (#226cynn) by @Mayank909 in #26
- Added firebase auto deployment configuration(#20d6xcu) by @disha1202 in #16
- Deleted extra home and search page of threshold-management(#23eera9) by @Nihu-Sharma in #25
- Improved UI for the search products page as per the figma file(#29bdb9f) by @ymaheshwari1 in #36
- Implemented: functionality to fetch the product attributes information and prepare solr query on selection and unselection of attributes(#29bdb9f) by @ymaheshwari1 in #37
- Implemented logic to make threshold updates page functional(#295eve6) by @disha1202 in #35
- Implemented dynamic code of threshold updates page(#295eve6) by @azkyakhan in #34
- Updated selectProduct page UI(#29pux36) by @disha1202 in #39
- Implemented logic to make selectProduct page functional(#29pt6c6) by @disha1202 in #38
- Implemented: logic to create search preference and schedule a service (#29bdb9f) by @ymaheshwari1 in #40
- Improved: code to fetch facility value for product store and pass facilityId when scheduling a job(#29bdb9f) by @ymaheshwari1 in #44
- Updated the code to display color and size only if available(#29wgtvt) by @disha1202 in #46
- Improved: code to hide option to set baseURL if value available in '.env' file (#29wgkkh). by @meet-aniket in #45
- Improved: code to remove 'None' as shop option from settings page (#29wgty7). by @meet-aniket in #49
- Reset button and List header label should have space between them(#2a… by @Nihu-Sharma in #52
- Fixed: Job list is not fetched on initial page load(#2a233bk) by @disha1202 in #54
- Updated the code to reset threshold value and keyword text on page leave(#2a236fw) by @disha1202 in #53
- Improved: code to remove unused code for setting and getting facility (#2a233nh). by @meet-aniket in #51
- Fixed: Product list not updating on login and logout(#29wgthu) by @disha1202 in #47
- Removed unwanted action for clearing pending jobs(#2a23fur) by @disha1202 in #55
- Implemented: logic to use filters modal for selecting or removing a filter and removed faceting logic(#29wm19n) by @ymaheshwari1 in #50
- Fixed: the issue of reset button not clearing filters(#29wm19n) by @ymaheshwari1 in #57
- Implemented button slot and padding on Select Product page(#2a22y4d) by @Nihu-Sharma in #56
- Fixed: code to not duplicate the result when searching on the filter lookup modal(#2a2ad3p) by @ymaheshwari1 in #60
- Updated: the job enum used for scheduling a service(#2a24a29) by @ymaheshwari1 in #58
- Fixed: the placeholder on the category modal, code to not make solr query when filters are not applied and made the tempExprId static when scheduling the job(#2a2ad3p) by @ymaheshwari1 in #61
- Updated the position of toast message to bottom throughout the app and display job name on the job card on pipeline page(#2a7udaj) by @ymaheshwari1 in #64
- Fixed: search keyword is not cleared when filters are applied(#29wgvxk) by @Mayank909 in #62
- Fixed: search keyword is not cleared when filters are applied(#29wgvxk) by @disha1202 in #48
- Implemented: functionality to disable the fab button untill the job is scheduling(#2a2ad3p) by @ymaheshwari1 in #63
- Fixed: the issue of product store id not being supported when making solr query(fix-solr-query) by @ymaheshwari1 in #65
- Improved: solr query to enable search on parent product name, pass qop when saving the query and remove the action call when changing the product store(fix-solr-query) by @ymaheshwari1 in #66
- Fixed: issue of tags not working when having special character in them and cleared the filters applied on logout(#2a7yged) by @ymaheshwari1 in #67
- Removed support to filter products on the basis of category(#2a800kj) by @ymaheshwari1 in #70
- Fixed: animation not working on initial load on thresholdUpdates page(#1ye5xcw) by @disha1202 in #76
- Fixed the count being reset when the product is not found on search (#2adgubh) by @ymaheshwari1 in #75
- Updated: fallback name of job from job enum to partyName when user does not enter rule name(fix-rule-name) by @ymaheshwari1 in #83
- Added: issue and PR template(threshold-management/#80) by @shashwatbangar in #82
- Changed IncludeTagsModal.vue component name to ProductFilterModal.vue (#79) by @shashwatbangar in #81
- Improved: position of toast from top to bottom(#2a7ut0j) by @Mayank909 in #87
- Updated the code to search aside element in threshold updates page instead of whole document(#1ye5xcw) by @disha1202 in #78
- Improved: code to assign input field to instance variable for searchbar (#2cj8nc4). by @meet-aniket in #86
- Fixed: code to handle the case when job history modal isn't updating (#2adm63m). by @meet-aniket in #77
- Fixed build console warnings (threshold-management/#69) by @rathoreprashant in #71
New Contributors
- @Yashi002 made their first contribution in #1
- @bashu22tiwari made their first contribution in https://g...