Releases: hackolade/Snowflake
added commenting/filtering of DDL when schema is flagged as inactive
Bump to release new build
added possibility to export individual table scripts
filtered column definitions in DDL forward-engineering for Iceberg tables when catalog is external (glue, iceberg files, iceberg rest, delata files)
filtered column definitions in DDL forward-engineering for Iceberg tables when catalog is external (glue, iceberg files, iceberg rest, delata files)
added support for dynamic tables, added reverse-engineering of Iceberg tables including column information when catalog is Snowflake
added support for dynamic tables, added reverse-engineering of Iceberg tables including column information when catalog is Snowflake
added support for Snowflake and external Iceberg catalogs (AWS Glue, Iceberg files, Delta files, and Iceberg REST) in Iceberg tables, enhanced reverse-engineering log to display table types including Iceberg
added support for Snowflake and external Iceberg catalogs (AWS Glue, Iceberg files, Delta files, and Iceberg REST) in Iceberg tables, enhanced reverse-engineering log to display table types including Iceberg
normalized dependencies for external, iceberg, dynamic, and transient table options
normalized dependencies for external, iceberg, dynamic, and transient table options
added commenting of trailing comma if last attribute is deactivated, added automatically mark of PK as Not Null
added commenting of trailing comma if last attribute is deactivated, added automatically mark of PK as Not Null
enhanced support of tags by adding a dropdown property listing tags previously created for the schema, added reverse-engineering of tags
enhanced support of tags by adding a dropdown property listing tags previously created for the schema, added reverse-engineering of tags