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pushkar edited this page Jan 5, 2011 · 3 revisions

The simulator provides easy to use RSTTab class to code input controls like buttons, sliders etc... Example projects are included in the distribution under /projects/

Creating an EmptyTab

To get started extend a EmptyTab class from RSTTab. The RSTTab class is extended from the wxPanel class. Create EmptyTab.h and include the RSTTab class.

#include <Tabs/RSTTab.h>

All RST related include files like in '/librst/'. Include other class files from RST which will give access to the robot, links and other objects in our scene.

#include <Tools/World.h>
#include <Tools/Robot.h>
#include <Tools/Link.h>
#include <Tools/Object.h>
#include <Tools/Constants.h>

Declare the EmptyTab class. This also includes the wxWidgets declaration primitives for your class.

class EmptyTab : public RSTTab
	EmptyTab(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
			 const wxPoint & pos = wxDefaultPosition,
			 const wxSize & size = wxDefaultSize,
			 long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
	virtual ~EmptyTab(){}

	void RSTStateChange();


Create the EmptyTab.cpp file for defining your class. First include the RSTApp and tell RST to include your Tab class into RST. #include <Tabs/AllTabs.h> #include <RSTApp.h>

void RSTApp::AddTab() {
	ADD_TAB(EmptyTab,wxT("Empty Tab"));

Then define your constructor and rest of your class.

BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EmptyTab, wxPanel)

EmptyTab::EmptyTab(wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id,
		const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : RSTTab(parent, id, pos, size, style) {

// All tabs get a message for certain changes in RST (in case they want to do something)
void EmptyTab::RSTStateChange() {

New project can be compiled with CMake. Create a CMakeLists.txt file. Include the librst folder. Include the path to the rst static library.

include_directories(../../librst ../../)
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-L../../librst")

Include all files in the CMake for compiling and compile with wxWidgets and the static librst.

set ( SRC EmptyTab )

set (wxWidgets_USE_LIBS base core gl)
find_package (wxWidgets)
if (wxWidgets_FOUND) 
  include (${wxWidgets_USE_FILE})
  add_executable (EmptyTab  ${SRC})
  target_link_libraries (EmptyTab rst ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
else (wxWidgets_FOUND)
  message ("wxWidgets not found!")
endif (wxWidgets_FOUND)

Since the project links with librst statically, you will have to recompile librst everytime a change is made in RST. If the functionality of your project is changed, compile the project with

    cmake .
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