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Elan Ruusamäe edited this page Oct 24, 2015 · 3 revisions

Upgrade Process

One of our objectives is to make upgrading from an earlier release as painless as possible, and we provide scripts that should bring your existing Eventum installation up-to-date.


When upgrading to a new version of Eventum, please follow these instructions:

  1. Backup your copy of Eventum - files and data.
  2. Extract your new Eventum copy over your existing folder structure
  3. Run the upgrade scripts described in each section below by opening these scripts in your web browser

Upgrading from version 2.2 and from versions upwards

  • Rename your current Eventum dir to eventum.old
  • Extract Eventum release tarball and rename it to eventum directory.
  • Copy all config files from old version to new version: eventum.old/config to eventum/config
  • If your workflow API, customer API or custom field files to were in lib/eventum copy them to config/:
    • eventum.old/lib/eventum/workflow/ -> eventum/config/workflow/
    • eventum.old/lib/eventum/customer/ -> eventum/config/customer/
    • eventum.old/lib/eventum/custom_field/ -> eventum/config/custom_field/
  • Ensure your database database partition has enough disk space and run upgrade script: php upgrade/update-database.php
  • Modify your workflow/customer classes not to require any Eventum core classes, they are autoloaded now. So you can just remove such lines:
  • Update your cron jobs to point to the scripts in the new location (see INSTALL). Previously the scripts were in 'crons', now in 'bin', eg:
	0 * * * * <PATH-TO-EVENTUM>/bin/download_emails.php username_here INBOX

Upgrading from versions before 2.2

Upgrading from these versions not supported, you have to go back and upgrade to 2.2 version first.

If you find any problems while upgrading, please email us in the mailing lists described in the file.

  • a bigger project
    • first subtask #1234
    • follow up subtask #4321
    • final subtask cc @mention
  • a separate task
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