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System Admin: Setting up email routing with postfix

Elan Ruusamäe edited this page Oct 24, 2015 · 1 revision

Setting up email routing with postfix

Quick Notes

When you're setting up Eventum's [Email Routing Interface](Email Routing Interface "wikilink") for postfix, use these options in the Administration -> General Setup area:

Email Routing Interface: Enabled Recipient Type Flag: [doesn't matter, choose any] Email Address Prefix: issue- Address Hostname: [the domain name of the email address issues should be sent to] Warn Users Whether They Can Send Emails to Issue: [doesn't matter, choose any]

Internal Note Routing Interface: Enabled Note Address Prefix: note- Address Hostname: [the domain name of the email address issues should be sent to]

Email Draft Interface: Enabled Note Address Prefix: draft- Address Hostname: [the domain name of the email address issues should be sent to]

Postfix configuration

There are different ways to implement the goal.

using local PHP script

In /etc/mail/ define

transport_maps = regexp:/etc/mail/transportregex local_recipient_maps = unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps $transport_maps

Be sure to include your domain in mydestination

mydestination = $transport_maps, $myhostname,

In /etc/mail/ define eventum transport:

eventum   unix  -       n       n       -       10       pipe  flags=DRhu user=apache argv=/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/eventum/misc/route_${nexthop}.php

Create /etc/mail/transportregex file:

/note-.*         eventum:notes /issue-.*        eventum:emails /drafts-.*       eventum:drafts

Run postmap on that file

postmap /etc/mail/transportregex

Restart your postfix to take into account and changes

forwarding all domain mails to IMAP account

in /etc/mail/virtual write      [email protected]

and make define virtual_maps to use it:

virtual_maps = hash:/etc/mail/virtual

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