A Java client for the CloudFoudry gorouter which allows to set/get/reset the routes, look up the metrics. It also includes a test suite that validates some of the gorouter behavior.
Aug 2013 update: this repo has moved to https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/cfrouter-java
To use the basic client in your project, add the following to your Maven pom.xml:
- a DNS wild card entry pointing to the gorouter IP address (e.g A *.myrouter.mydomain.com
- a Natsd daemon running and reacheable from the Junit JVM ( in the example below)
- A gorouter instance configured (currently without authentication), running and reacheable from the junit jvm by default on port > 9000
Export environment variables or define them as java system properties:
mvn -DNATS_URL=nats:// -DROUTER_DNS_WILDCARD=myrouter.mydomain.com -DROUTER_PORT=8081 test
Instanciate the router
Nats nats = new NatsConnector().addHost(NATS_URL).connect();
Router router = new RouterImpl(nats);
Register the route
//Single host, multiple end-points
Route r1 = new Route("hostA", 80, new String[]{"myappendpoint1.myrouter.mydomain.com", "myappendpoint2.myrouter.mydomain.com"});
//Single endpoint, multiple host/ports cluster
Route r2 = new Route("host1.cluster", 80, new String[]{"myLoadBalancedApp.myrouter.mydomain.com"});
Route r3 = new Route("host2.cluster", 80, new String[]{"myLoadBalancedApp.myrouter.mydomain.com"});
router.addRoutes(asList(r1, r2, r3));
Register a callback to provide routes to new router instances or in the future renew the routes when they expire.
RouterStartHandler handler = new RouterStartHandler() {
public List<Route> fetchAllActiveRoutes() {
//Fetch this of active routes to renew, e.g. from a db
List<Route> routes = ....
return routes;
Fetch list of active routes and metrics from the router (support for cluster of router instances planned):
List<Route> activeRoutes = router.getActiveRoutes();
RouterMetrics metrics = router.getRouterMetrics();
In case you choose to increase the router expiration time (2 mins by default), you may need to unregister some routes
List<Route> activeRoutes = router.getActiveRoutes();
//select some routes to unregister
(The Apache Software License 2.0) - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ Copyright (c) 2013 Guillaume Berche
Any feedback is welcome. Please report bugs and suggest/contribute improvements through github issues and pull requests.
See identified limitations and planned improvements