Contribute cfrouter-java to the community
- setup maven release process
- consider building from sonatype to be published on maven central or checkout from github on our jenkins + local build
clean up the exceptions thrown by the Router interface. Some are parasites.
add support for router clusters of size >1: return list of metrics, list of routes, ...
add support for renewing routes that expire: fetch the expiration time and register a timer to invoke RouterStartHandler periodically
fix erratic medium/integration tests that break on slow gorouter route registration
rename uri into "virtualhost" in Route object and upwards
add support for nats authentication. Not clear natsj supports it.
test the CONNECT method when supported in router
- using mockwebserver (http://code.google.com/p/mockwebserver/) start and HTTPS server
- configure httpclient to use CF router as proxy
- assert the server received the right request and client is returned response
- debug at the wire level the sending of CONNECT by httpClient. Proxy chaining not yet supported in httpClient http://httpcomponents.10934.n7.nabble.com/Implementing-Proxy-Chaining-in-Apache-HTTP-td11963.html
test KEEP ALIVE cnx properly routes consecutive requests properly
clean up parasite trace "nats.NatsException: Received a body for an unknown subscription."
add meaningful traces
split between small test (only nats) and medium test (HTTP interactions)
add asserts in Cf tests: unit tests with nats mock ?
expose metrics as JMX
optimize the client for large number of routes:
- add test for large nb of routes (say 10k)
- e.g. avoid linear scans for unregister
- pool the HttpClient and implement spring destroy phase for Router object
consider using jersey client rather than raw UrlConnection and jackson ?