Added mentolabial angle.
Reduced render window font sizes.
Updated some landmark descriptions.
Improved landmark placement accuracy.
Small reduction in landmark dot radius.
Added visualisations of surface differences.
Capped maximum number of legend value labels.
Surface visualisations now toggle on and off.
Default opacity overlap reduction fixed at 0.01.
Removed plain vector (vertex normal) visualisation.
Dialogs try not to overlap the main viewer on opening.
Overlap opacity now updates correctly when moving models.
Removed wireframe and outline visualisations from toolbar.
Degree of opacity can now be set per individual model view.
Thumbnails of non-textured models are now properly lit.
Each measurement now stores its own default statistics.
Statistic auto-matching now applies individually to each model.
Missing landmarks from earlier file versions automatically set.
Camera distance, focus, and direction shown in status when moving camera.
Metric charts now shows measurements out of range and with a warning.
Camera orientation and distance now maintained upon changing focal point.
Changed camera orientation action to three step alignment process.
Corrected scaling of embedded models in generated reports.
Camera synchronisation now enabled by default.
Changed caption fonts for better readability.
Increased size of undo/redo stack.
Added custom report page dimensions.
Added 5 degree stepped camera horizontal and vertical rotation.
Model opacity now allowed to go all the way to zero (transparent).
Removed filtering of metrics when selecting HPO in HPO terms dialog.
Removed preference for changing amount of opacity change on overlap.
Removed selection by clicking the views - use the dropdown instead.
Removed preference for setting maximum number of models to load.
Removed memory usage tracking bar from the preferences dialog.
Removed preference for setting smoothing parameter.
Removed parameters that configure face registration.
Removed vertex / polygon identifier labels actions.
Removed preference for model auto-focus on select.
Removed radial selection tool from toolbar.
Removed Cliniface logo from main toolbar.
Reformatted PDF report template and removed orientation axes.
Reformatted model properties dialog.
Moved manifold removal actions to model properties dialog.
Removed change to bounding box format depending on landmarks.
Capture and birth date set as earliest file time for new (non-3DF) images.
Added static 2D image of model to generated reports.
Reformatted layout of assessment information dialog.
Restricted maximum number of models within a viewer to two.
Restricted maximum number of loaded models to two.
Restricted number of views of a model to two.
Updated portable MiKTeX for Windows.
Added advisory on actions to take after face detection failure.
Lengthy report generation now always happens in background.
Fixed crash on failure to detect face.
Fixed rare hang on align and detect actions.
Fixed occasional crash when using the calliper tool.
Fixed opacity widget not updating on model reselect.
Fixed non-symmetric colour mapping for even colour counts.
Fixed rare crash on completion of some asynchronous actions.
Fixed inverted outer canthal nasal angle measurement.
Fixed incorrect resizing of side viewer when merging model view.
Fixed disappearing "Not stated" label in Assessment Info dialog.
Fixed incorrect alignment of co-registered mask on model load.
Fixed refreshing of clipping planes when zooming in deeply.
Fixed landmark and path handle rescaling on model scale.
Fixed inability to immediately produce PDFs from some models.
Fixed jittery positioning of radial selection handle.
Fixed spelling error (thanks Tracey ;D).
Improved responsiveness and efficiency.
Updated documentation.
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