Releases: frontiersi/Cliniface
Releases · frontiersi/Cliniface
Version 7.0.2
- AppImage version no longer warns about image examples not being in physical directory.
- Fixed bug where auto-update of AppImage version wasn't updating some required plugins.
- Added ability to add multiple directories to the image database.
- Added separate reset database button.
- Example images now only load in to an empty (fresh) database.
- Displayed file paths in image browser no longer resolve symlinks.
Version 7.0.1
- Rebuilt IDTFConverter under linux to remove old library dependencies and ensure works on old and new linux.
- Extended user angle measurements by allowing out-of-plane dragging of user measurements' depth handle.
- Added copying of user measurements between faces interactively and added batch CLI copy function.
- Added action to copy all user measurements from selected to other face in Metrics menu.
- Reordered fields on Assessment Information dialog and fixed duplicate tool-tips.
- Renamed "Calliper" measurements to "User measurements" throughout.
- Enabled ability to delete all user measurements upon load (without measurements being visible).
- Changed "Assessment" to "Assessor" in reports and Assessment Information dialog.
- Set default import/export metadata directory to be same as current model.
- Fixed snapping of newly added user measurement handle to landmarks or other path handles if visible.
- User measurements show the angle projected into the three facial planes.
- User measurements forced to have a non-empty default name.
- Added preferences option to show examples in Image Browser.
- Fixed broken left double-click to focus after previous VTK version upgrade.
- Updated FaceModel to store current thumbnail and avoid unneccessary refreshes.
- Adding new landmarks to newly loaded model causes opening of landmark confirmation dialog.
- Removed ABC scores and diagnostic expression level from FASD plugin and associated report.
- Fixed missing image format plugins on Windows which was causing report generation issues.
- Reviewed and updated help documentation for the FASD module plugin.
- Ensured manual stats changes on Measurements browser propagate.
- Fixed preferences not showing correctly in dialog upon first open.
- Fixed tab order in Assessment Information dialog.
- Fixed membership of mixed ethnicity codes.
- Updated CLI menu options and help.
- Moved to new installer for Windows.
Version 6.0.4
- Calliper handles prevented from snapping to the same landmark.
- Model re-centring now re-fixes the transform and sets the camera on the model.
- Realignment now always performs fresh Procrustes on the underlying mask.
- Improved dashed bounding box representation for unaligned models.
- Now shows 3DF file persisted out of alignment model orientation.
- Manual model alignment mode turned off after saving or mesh changes.
- Improved surface point placement on some less regular geometries.
- Fixed crash if crop facial region excluding landmarks around mouth.
- Fixed crash on loading of small 3DF models from command line.
- Fixed facet slicing bug for symmetric faces.
Version 6.0.3
- Fixed reversed palpebral fissure inclination angle.
- Fixed negated mandibular contour angle.
- Fixed save icon not greying out after initial save to 3DF.
- Removed old mesh references from non-enabled radial selector.
- Added nasal root depth measurement including Farkas 1981 statistics.
- Added HPO terms depressed and prominent nasal bridge.
Version 6.0.2
- Removed help button from Preferences dialog due to modality clash bug.
- Fixed Windows repeatedly asking to authorise clinifaceUpdater on update.
- Fixed inability to update Linux AppImage version.
- Fixed broken CLI commands (thanks Harry).
Version 6.0.1
- Added mentolabial angle.
- Reduced render window font sizes.
- Updated some landmark descriptions.
- Improved landmark placement accuracy.
- Small reduction in landmark dot radius.
- Added visualisations of surface differences.
- Capped maximum number of legend value labels.
- Surface visualisations now toggle on and off.
- Default opacity overlap reduction fixed at 0.01.
- Removed plain vector (vertex normal) visualisation.
- Dialogs try not to overlap the main viewer on opening.
- Overlap opacity now updates correctly when moving models.
- Removed wireframe and outline visualisations from toolbar.
- Degree of opacity can now be set per individual model view.
- Thumbnails of non-textured models are now properly lit.
- Each measurement now stores its own default statistics.
- Statistic auto-matching now applies individually to each model.
- Missing landmarks from earlier file versions automatically set.
- Camera distance, focus, and direction shown in status when moving camera.
- Metric charts now shows measurements out of range and with a warning.
- Camera orientation and distance now maintained upon changing focal point.
- Changed camera orientation action to three step alignment process.
- Corrected scaling of embedded models in generated reports.
- Camera synchronisation now enabled by default.
- Changed caption fonts for better readability.
- Increased size of undo/redo stack.
- Added custom report page dimensions.
- Added 5 degree stepped camera horizontal and vertical rotation.
- Model opacity now allowed to go all the way to zero (transparent).
- Removed filtering of metrics when selecting HPO in HPO terms dialog.
- Removed preference for changing amount of opacity change on overlap.
- Removed selection by clicking the views - use the dropdown instead.
- Removed preference for setting maximum number of models to load.
- Removed memory usage tracking bar from the preferences dialog.
- Removed preference for setting smoothing parameter.
- Removed parameters that configure face registration.
- Removed vertex / polygon identifier labels actions.
- Removed preference for model auto-focus on select.
- Removed radial selection tool from toolbar.
- Removed Cliniface logo from main toolbar.
- Reformatted PDF report template and removed orientation axes.
- Reformatted model properties dialog.
- Moved manifold removal actions to model properties dialog.
- Removed change to bounding box format depending on landmarks.
- Capture and birth date set as earliest file time for new (non-3DF) images.
- Added static 2D image of model to generated reports.
- Reformatted layout of assessment information dialog.
- Restricted maximum number of models within a viewer to two.
- Restricted maximum number of loaded models to two.
- Restricted number of views of a model to two.
- Updated portable MiKTeX for Windows.
- Added advisory on actions to take after face detection failure.
- Lengthy report generation now always happens in background.
- Fixed crash on failure to detect face.
- Fixed rare hang on align and detect actions.
- Fixed occasional crash when using the calliper tool.
- Fixed opacity widget not updating on model reselect.
- Fixed non-symmetric colour mapping for even colour counts.
- Fixed rare crash on completion of some asynchronous actions.
- Fixed inverted outer canthal nasal angle measurement.
- Fixed incorrect resizing of side viewer when merging model view.
- Fixed disappearing "Not stated" label in Assessment Info dialog.
- Fixed incorrect alignment of co-registered mask on model load.
- Fixed refreshing of clipping planes when zooming in deeply.
- Fixed landmark and path handle rescaling on model scale.
- Fixed inability to immediately produce PDFs from some models.
- Fixed jittery positioning of radial selection handle.
- Fixed spelling error (thanks Tracey ;D).
- Improved responsiveness and efficiency.
- Updated documentation.
Version 5.3.2
- Added and updated mouth landmarks.
- Updated definition of the lip circularity measurement.
- Updated FASD plugin documentation.
Version 5.3.1
- Updated FASD plugin documentation.
Version 5.3.0
- Added inferior facial angle measurements.
- Added mid-labial inferius/superius landmarks.
- Changed lip circularity measurement to use new landmarks.
- Fixed bug when writing OBJs when facets don't have texture coordinates.
Version 5.2.2
- Updating now consolidates patches from multiple versions.
- Patching of the AppImage version for Linux now possible.
- Updating now asks for elevated privileges if necessary