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36. Quick sheet about Freesurfer reconstructions
An environment variable $SUBJECTS_DIR should be set first. Within the subject folder, files are organized as the following:
- subject 0001
- mri
- transforms
- orig
- surf
- label
- bem
- stats
- scripts
- tmp
- trash
- touch
- mri
- subject 0002
- subject 0003
Freesurfer reconstructions use different file formats for different purposes
- .mgz, .mgh: brain volume images (3D); typically within
folder - lh.xxxx, rh.xxxx: brain surface models and information; typically within
NOTE: useful page here.
NOTE: You can use freeview
for visualizing brain volumes and surfaces as shown below.
- orig.mgz: the MRI used for reconstructing everything
- T1.mgz: the MRI after intensity normalization (and other correction)
- brain.mgz: brain volume after skull stripping
- wm.mgz: white matter volume
- aseg.mgz: brain segmentation labels
- orig.mgz: the input MRI volume for FreeSurfer reconstruction
- ?h.pial: pial surface model
- ?h.smoothwm: white-gray matter boundary surface model
- ?h.inflated: inflated brain surface model
- ?h.sphere: spherical brain surface model
- ?h.curv: local cortex curvature
- ?h.thickness: local cortex thickness
- ?h.aparc.annot: ROIs for cortical parcellation
- brainvol.stats: brain volume information
bem This folder is typically used in EEG/MEG source modeling to store Boundary Element Model data.
NOTE: All vertices are consistent across brain surface models. This means that vertex #1 in lh.pial, for example, is the same vertex #1 in lh.inflated. The difference is the vertex coordinates in different models. The (x,y,z) of vertex #1 in lh.pial is different from (x,y,z) of vertex #1 in lh.smoothwm. Surface triangulations are the same but their 3D coordinates are different across models.
- Cortical thickness (in mm).
val=inverse_read_curv_new('lh.thickness'); hist(val,100); %show the histogram of left hemisphere cortical thickness
- Show brain surface model
[vv, ff] = read_surf('lh.smoothwm'); %matlab routine in $FREESURFER_HOME/matlab/read_surf.m
figure; patch('vertices',vv,'faces',ff+1,'edgecolor','none','facecolor',[1 1 0].*0.7); lighting phong; camlight; axis vis3d equal;
- Show brain surface model with cortical thickness
[vv, ff] = read_surf('lh.smoothwm');
fvdata=repmat([1 1 1],[size(vv,1),1]);
overlay_cmap=autumn(80); %overlay colormap;
fvdata(c_idx,:)=inverse_get_color(overlay_cmap,val(c_idx),3,1.5); %get color for vertices with thickness > 1.5 mm; the color is saturated at 3 mm
lighting phong; camlight; axis vis3d equal;
- Show brain volume