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Gabeki17 edited this page Jan 18, 2015 · 1 revision

Setting screen change mode

You can choose from 3 different ways of switching.

Also if you don't need this function you can turn it off.

1./ By mode switch:

You select "Mode Switch" in OSD Toggle Channel drop-down menu.

If you don't have any free channel for screen switching you can use your mode switch to do so. It works this way: If you switch from a flight mode to another than back, within 2 sec, than will jump to the next screen. (except RTL and Circle) if you do it again than it will turn osd off, if again than will show the first screen again. (so this is a kind of rotation switching.)

Modifying the normal behaviour: There is something that modifies this behaviour. That is warnings. If there is any active warning, than OSD will jump back to the screen you have configured as primary and stay there.

(If you want to test switching at home, than you can turn warnings off, so you can try.)

2./ Real switching:

For this you need a 3 position switch assigned to the channel you set in Config Tool "OSD Toggle Channel" drop-down menu. Leave the "Rotation Switching" check-box unchecked.

In this mode switching will work like this: Every position of your 3 position switch is assigned to a screen. Screen 2 is always the middle position of the switch. Screen 1 is one end, and screen off is the other. It is up to your radio. (If your channel is reversed or not) The switching values (that you can read in MP) are:

screen 1: 0 to 1233 screen 2: 1233 to 1467 screen off: 1467 to 1701 (or abowe. the abowe range can be used for additional things)

Modifying the normal behaviour as in switching by mode switch: A warning will make OSD return to the screen you have configured as primary, but after 10s it returns to the screen that your switch is set to! Except if warning is still present.

(If you want to test switching at home, than you can turn warnings off, so you can try.)_

3./ Switching by a momentary switch:

For this you need a momentary switch (like trainer switch) assigned to the channel you set in Config. Tool "OSD Toggle Channel" drop-down menu. And check the "Rotation Switching" check-box.

You select any channel you want to use from 5 to 8, than check Rotation Switching check-box.

This mode is also a rotation switching way of changing screens like by mode switch. The difference is that you have a separate switch to do so. It works this way: You push/pull than release. It brings you to screen 2 than you push/pull than release, it gets you to screen off, than again and screen 1 again.

As in other switching modes. There is something that modifies this behaviour: That is warnings. If there is any active warning, than OSD will jump back to the screen you have configured as primary and stay there.

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