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ExoDeepFinder v0.3.3 with Tensorflow 2.11.1

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@arthursw arthursw released this 12 Aug 15:17
· 24 commits to master since this release

ExoDeepFinder provides a GUI which enables to call each of the ExoDeepFinder commands:

edf_convert_tiff_to_h5              # convert tiff folders to a single h5 file
edf_segment                         # segment a movie
edf_generate_annotation             # generate an annotation file from a segmentation by clustering it
edf_generate_segmentation           # generate a segmentation from an annotation file
edf_detect_spots                    # detect bright spots in movies
edf_merge_detector_expert           # merge the expert annotations with the detector segmentations for training
edf_structure_training_dataset      # structure dataset files for training
edf_train                           # train a new model
exodeepfinder                       # combine all above commands

Just uncompress and launch (on Mac), exodeepfinder.exe (on Windows) or run exodeepfinder from a terminal (on Linux).