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Lyndon Maydwell edited this page Aug 31, 2016 · 5 revisions

Our Jokes

  • Q: Why couldn't the Haskell movie director hire any stars? A: Erlang had taken all the actors.
  • Compose Yourself!
  • After you compose you can decompose
  • Swag Committee

Jokes Competition Submissions

  • Sean Seefried
    • Dr Suess was a Haskell programmer. Why? Just look at the type of combinator parsers.
    • A parser for things is a function from strings to lists of pairs of strings and things!
    • Parser a :: String -> [(String, a)]
    • P.s. Don't want to get prize for this but please read it out
  • Sean Seefried
    • What did the person who loves referential transparency demand.
    • We want equality!
  • Sean Seefried
    • What did the integer say to the C compiler at an audition?
    • Please don't type cast me
  • Steve Purcell
    • Functional programmers don't grow old, they just decompose.
    • I had a voucher for a free curry, but the waiter told me it only partially applied.
    • JavaScript: undefined is not a function.
    • Haskell: undefined can be any function.
    • Someone once described me as a bit shifty, which I took as two compliments.
  • Kris Jenkins
    • What’s the difference between a pessimist, an optimist, and an AWS consultant?
    • A pessimist says the glass is half empty,
    • An optimist says the glass is half full,
    • And the AWS consultant says the water will scale.