RTT Component integrating the FRI library, with RTNET providing real-time communication, into the orocos framework. Specifically designed using kinematic chains for use with rtt-core-extensions.
- Through joint impedance control mode, gravity is compensated through the KRC unit!
- Ubuntu with Xenomai patched kernel and RTNet
- (Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with Xenomai 2.6.4 and RTNet)
- Ubuntu only
KRC Unit:
Copy FRIControl.src and FRIControl.dat onto the KRC
External machine:
mkdir build
cd build
// for orocos plugins
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$insert-prefix-here/lib/pkgconfig
cmake -DOROCOS-RTT_DIR=$insert-prefix-here/lib/cmake/orocos-rtt ..
make -j 4
// include RTT component in search path
export RTT_COMPONENT_PATH=$RTT_COMPONENT_PATH:$include-path-to/rtt-lwr-hardware-integration/build/orocos
This package comes in two parts in relation to the Kuka hardware. The first part involves the KRC unit and setting up the script for the FRI communication.
- Edit tool and ip address on the KRL program
- Run the program once until the program reaches a halt point to initialize the LWR arm
- Run the program past this point to enable the communication between the computer and the KRC unit
- Set the IP address of the computer on the lwr_robot component's property ip_addr (and that both the computer and KRC unit are on the same subnet)
- Once the KRL program has started running on the main loop run your orocos program
- (NOTE) There may be a slight delay before the program takes effect as the arm has to switch modes
- Adapt KRL src file for KRC to work with the components better (Also put KRL src file on here)
- Stop and cleanup component better with proper stopping of the KRC
- Write instructions on how to use