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Preconference Workshops

Eric Phetteplace edited this page Nov 8, 2018 · 4 revisions


  1. Proposal Submission
  2. Publishing Proposals
  3. Open Proposal Voting
  4. Publish Selected Workshops

1. Proposal Submission

Create Proposal Form

Form Fields

  • Title
  • Absctract
  • Length / Time of Day (All Day, Half day-AM, Half day-PM, Half day-no preference)
  • Speaker Name
  • Speaker Affiliation (optional)
  • Speaker Email (repeat Name/Affiliation/Email for speaker 2-5)

Open Proposal Submissions

In _data/conf:

  1. add your Google Form url to the workshop-proposal-form
  2. change toggles.prop-shop to true

2. Publishing Proposals

  1. Download the response sheet as a CSV
  2. Use FromSheetsToJekyll to create a jekyll data file
  • Instructions are provided on the site. You want to check "included" on items you want to include in the data file
  • Check "Text?" on Abstracts and Titles
  • You'll want some sort of identifier. We've used the Timestamp in the past. Check "Slugify?" for this value
  1. Copy the resulting text into _data/workshop-proposals
  2. You may need to edit the workshops/proposed-workshops.html template file to account for form column changes or additional data. Or, design it however you want!

3. Open Proposal Voting

  1. In _data/conf:
  • add the voting url workshop-voting-link
  • change to true

4. Publish Selected Workshops

  1. Download the selected workshops data as a CSV. You will want columns for: location, room, time (am, pm, or "full" for full day), start time, end time, speakers, title, and description.
  2. Use FromSheetsToJekyll to create a jekyll data file
  • upload the CSV and select Templates
  • in the frontmatter section, fill in static values (e.g. type: workshop) and each CSV column using the instructions on the page
  • set the page title to the name of the workshop
  • set the content to the description
  • set the date to the preconference day

Here is an example of the frontmatter settings used in 2019:

layout: presentation
type: workshop
categories: workshops
speakers-text: [speaker-names]
speakers: [speaker-names|slug]
time: [time]
location: doubletree
room: [room|slug]
slugTitle: [session-name|slug]

We had only one preconference location (the DoubleTree) so that's a static value, not a column in the data.

NOTE: the workshop posts depend on having _data/locations.yml and _data/speakers.yml already defined to some extent (the post frontmatter keys off of speaker IDs, location IDs, and the room IDs under each location). You can get away with doing them first but they're intended to utilize this data.

  1. Manual edits may be required here. For instance, if you don't have speaker details split up into individual columns then you may need to employ search-and-replace magic to split them up (e.g. find slugified speaker IDs and split them into a speakers YAML array). If you have time to go through the post descriptions to HTML-ify some text that's great, too.

  2. Unzip the downloaded directory and place the HTML files under "_posts".