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Adding Posters

Eric Phetteplace edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Poster data is a simpler version of conference talks or preconference workshops because room and time data does not vary and we only publish speaker names, no speaker image/bios. Thus the steps mimic those other sections, which you can review, but leave a few things out.

  • Obtain a spreadsheet of poster data from the Program Committee. It should have at least speaker name(s), poster title, and poster abstract
  • Download that data to a CSV
  • Use the fromSheetsToJekyll tool
  • select Templates as an option and use frontmatter settings similar to these (exact settings used in 2019, obviously will need adjustments):
speakers-text: [authors]
type: poster
day: 2
categories: posters
location: TBD
layout: presentation
startTime: 2019-02-21T15:30:00 -05:00

where "authors" is the speaker name(s) in the CSV. Set the post title to the key for the title column and the description to the abstract's column. Enter the date of the poster session (there should only be one day) under startTime (you can use a date format like the one here but remember to check the time zone). As you can see, basically all of the frontmatter will be static values.

  • download and unzip the Jekyll markdown files
  • upload them to the website in the _posts directory