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greyson-newton edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Alignment wiki!

Muon Alignment Commands Cheat Sheet

Muon Alignment Key Paths and Directories

JSON file location:


DB location:


Validation Browser Directory:


Validation Browser URL:


Comparison Plots

After running ~/PlottingTools/, the comparison plots get uploaded here:<xml_name>

Condor Commands

  • condor_q -hold -af HoldReason : check the reason for held jobs
  • condor_q -hold -better-analyze [ID] : deeper analysis for held jobs
  • condor_ssh_to_job [jobID]
  • condor_submit : Submit the  job to HTCondor pool
  • condor_rm : Remove the job from the pool. Use option -all to remove all
  • condor_q : List the jobs which are remained at current
  • condor_qedit : Edit the parameter of Job ClassAds
  • condor_status : List the machines which are connected
  • condor_hold : Change the status of job to “Hold”
  • condor_release : Release “hold” state for specific job
  • condor_tail : Show the running job’s stdout or stderr

Making a Filelist

Example: eos find /store/data/Run2018A/SingleMuon/ALCARECO/MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1/ | grep root > SingleMuon_2018ABC-master-filelist.list

After doing this, you should remove all the prefix "/eos/cms" inside the .list in VIM like so:


Then use (along with a JSON file if you are making a list from data) to turn the .list into a python filelist;



 brilcalc lumi -i  Cert_314472-316271_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions18_JSON_v2.txt -u /fb

Install brilcalc on lxplus:

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/$PATH
pip uninstall -y brilws
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/.local" brilws
pip show brilws

Brilcalc Quick Start guide


be sure to voms-proxy-init -voms cms !!!

Query for a dataset:

dasgoclient -query="dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-ZMu-17Sep2018-v2/RAW-RECO"

Query for runs from that dataset:

dasgoclient -query="run dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-ZMu-17Sep2018-v2/RAW-RECO"

Calculate file percentage at T2_CH_CERN:

#number 1:
 dasgoclient -query="file site=T2_CH_CERN dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1/ALCARECO" | wc  

#number 2:
2. dasgoclient -query="file dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1/ALCARECO" | wc 

divide 1 by 2

Condition Uploading and AlCa/DB Contact Information:

Tutorial for AlCaDB contacts (Indico - all talks)

Basic Example of Condition Upload

Get the latest uploader script (although this should be included in CMSSW somewhere, which is preferable over the TWiki source...)


Then do mv upload && chmod +x to make the script usable. Point it at a .db which has an accompanying .txt file with the config; e.g., file.db after making file.txt:

in file.txt

   "destinationDatabase": "oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS",
   "destinationTags": {
       "DTAlignment_v14_offline": {}
   "inputTag": "DTAlignmentRcd",
   "since": 313041,
   "userText": "First out of three payloads for Muon Alignment ReReco, derived on ~5.27/fb"

XRDCP redirectors:

FNAL: root://

Global: root://

Group Fuse Mount Path:


Get a new Grid Cert:

2019 AlCaDB tutorial

Tracker Run2 UL

CommandLine Cheat Sheet

Command Operation Example
cmsenv Initialize CMSSW environment
voms-proxy-init -voms cms Get GRID cert
source /cvmfs/ Source CRAB binaries
crab submit -c <> Submit CRAB job
crab status -d <crab_project_folder> Check the status of a CRAB job
crab kill -d <crab_project_folder> Kill a CRAB job
git cms-addpkg Download a local fork of a CMSSW file or folder
cmsglimpse CMSSW code search cmsglimpse “performT0Corr” | grep ".py"
scram b -j<#cores> Compile code in CMS environment scram b -j8 (8 cores)
bjobs List running / pending jobs and their status
bkill -u [username] 0 Kill all CAF jobs
edmDumpEventContent Show the structure of an EDM format ROOT file
conddb --db sqlitefile.db listTags List the names of tags and records in an sqlite file conddb --db inertGlobalPositionRcd.StdTags.1000p3.db listTags
conddb --db sqlitefile.db list List specific tag information
brilcalc lumi -b "STABLE BEAMS" -i <JSON_file> -u /fb Check luminosity information
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/$PATH source brilcalc
eos quota | grep "alca_muonalign" -A 5 Check eos quota for alca muonalignment space
conddb copy inputtag.db [nameyou want/not same as tag] --destdb <arb_name>.db --from 304911 --to 304912 copy db from conddb conddb copy tag CSCAlignmentErrorExtended_2017B --destdb CSCAlignmentErrorExtended_2017B_validation_21July2017.db

Fireworks w/ GEM :

cmsrel CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-18-1600
cd CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-18-1600/src/
cp /afs/ .
cp /afs/ .
cmsShow --sim-geom-file cmsSimGeom-2021.root mc_sample.root

If CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-18-1600 not working, use any 11_2_x release. If a new geometry file is needed, it can be produced with this line: simulated or reco pp

cmsRun Fireworks/Geometry/python/ tag=“2021"
cmsRun Fireworks/Geometry/python/ tag=“2021"

Also, use your own data, instead of mc_sample.root.

Validation Plots Twiki