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Welcome to the Alignment wiki!
After running ~/PlottingTools/RunPlotting.sh, the comparison plots get uploaded here:
condor_q -hold -af HoldReason
: check the reason for held jobs -
condor_q -hold -better-analyze [ID]
: deeper analysis for held jobs condor_ssh_to_job [jobID]
: Submit the job to HTCondor pool -
: Remove the job from the pool. Use option-all
to remove all -
: List the jobs which are remained at current -
: Edit the parameter of Job ClassAds -
: List the machines which are connected -
: Change the status of job to “Hold” -
: Release “hold” state for specific job -
: Show the running job’s stdout or stderr
eos find /store/data/Run2018A/SingleMuon/ALCARECO/MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1/ | grep root > SingleMuon_2018ABC-master-filelist.list
After doing this, you should remove all the prefix "/eos/cms" inside the .list in VIM like so:
Then use Create_InputList.py (along with a JSON file if you are making a list from data) to turn the .list into a python filelist;
python Create_InputList.py
brilcalc lumi -i Cert_314472-316271_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions18_JSON_v2.txt -u /fb
Install brilcalc on lxplus:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/cern.ch/cms/lumi/brilconda-X.Y.Z/bin:$PATH
pip uninstall -y brilws
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/.local" brilws
pip show brilws
be sure to voms-proxy-init -voms cms !!!
Query for a dataset:
dasgoclient -query="dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-ZMu-17Sep2018-v2/RAW-RECO"
Query for runs from that dataset:
dasgoclient -query="run dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-ZMu-17Sep2018-v2/RAW-RECO"
Calculate file percentage at T2_CH_CERN:
#number 1:
dasgoclient -query="file site=T2_CH_CERN dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1/ALCARECO" | wc
#number 2:
2. dasgoclient -query="file dataset=/SingleMuon/Run2018A-MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1/ALCARECO" | wc
divide 1 by 2
Tutorial for AlCaDB contacts (Indico - all talks) https://indico.cern.ch/event/828624/
- Web CondDB browser
- [Tags and Global Tags in CondDB] (https://indico.cern.ch/event/828624/contributions/3468467/attachments/1863420/3063730/talk1_-_AlCa_DB_tutorial_introduction_2019.pdf)
- Conditions Navigation
- Payload releases and their inclusion in GTs
- Hands-on Session
Get the latest uploader script (although this should be included in CMSSW somewhere, which is preferable over the TWiki source...)
wget https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/pub/CMS/ConditionUploader/uploadConditions.py.txt
Then do mv uploadConditions.py.txt upload conditions.py && chmod +x uploadConditions.py
to make the script usable.
Point it at a .db which has an accompanying .txt file with the config;
uploadConditions.py file.db
after making file.txt
in file.txt
"destinationDatabase": "oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS",
"destinationTags": {
"DTAlignment_v14_offline": {}
"inputTag": "DTAlignmentRcd",
"since": 313041,
"userText": "First out of three payloads for Muon Alignment ReReco, derived on ~5.27/fb"
FNAL: root://cmsxrootd.fnal.gov//store/foo/bar
Global: root://cmsxrootd.fnal.gov//
Command | Operation | Example |
cmsenv | Initialize CMSSW environment | |
voms-proxy-init -voms cms | Get GRID cert | |
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/crab3/crab.sh | Source CRAB binaries | |
crab submit -c <crab_config.py> | Submit CRAB job | |
crab status -d <crab_project_folder> | Check the status of a CRAB job | |
crab kill -d <crab_project_folder> | Kill a CRAB job | |
git cms-addpkg | Download a local fork of a CMSSW file or folder | |
cmsglimpse | CMSSW code search | cmsglimpse “performT0Corr” | grep ".py" |
scram b -j<#cores> | Compile code in CMS environment | scram b -j8 (8 cores) |
bjobs | List running / pending jobs and their status | |
bkill -u [username] 0 | Kill all CAF jobs | |
edmDumpEventContent | Show the structure of an EDM format ROOT file | |
conddb --db sqlitefile.db listTags | List the names of tags and records in an sqlite file | conddb --db inertGlobalPositionRcd.StdTags.1000p3.db listTags |
conddb --db sqlitefile.db list | List specific tag information | |
brilcalc lumi -b "STABLE BEAMS" -i <JSON_file> -u /fb | Check luminosity information | |
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/cern.ch/cms/lumi/brilconda-X.Y.Z/bin:$PATH | source brilcalc | |
eos quota | grep "alca_muonalign" -A 5 | Check eos quota for alca muonalignment space | |
conddb copy inputtag.db [nameyou want/not same as tag] --destdb <arb_name>.db --from 304911 --to 304912 | copy db from conddb | conddb copy tag CSCAlignmentErrorExtended_2017B --destdb CSCAlignmentErrorExtended_2017B_validation_21July2017.db |
cmsrel CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-18-1600
cd CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-18-1600/src/
cp /afs/cern.ch/user/g/grnewton/public/FireworksDebug/CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-11-1100/src/cmsSimGeom-2021.root .
cp /afs/cern.ch/user/g/grnewton/public/FireworksDebug/CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-11-1100/src/mc_sample.root .
cmsShow --sim-geom-file cmsSimGeom-2021.root mc_sample.root
If CMSSW_11_2_X_2020-11-18-1600 not working, use any 11_2_x release. If a new geometry file is needed, it can be produced with this line: simulated or reco pp
cmsRun Fireworks/Geometry/python/dumpSimGeometry_cfg.py tag=“2021"
cmsRun Fireworks/Geometry/python/dumpRecoGeometry_cfg.py tag=“2021"
Also, use your own data, instead of mc_sample.root.