2 April 2018
Luca Pernie
Dan Marley
The following describes the track-based muon alignment setup and execution.
export RELEASE=CMSSW_10_1_0
cmsrel $RELEASE
cd $RELEASE/src/
git clone https://github.com/cms-mual/Alignment.git -b $RELEASE
git clone https://github.com/cms-mual/TrackingTools.git -b CMSSW_10_1_X
git clone https://github.com/cms-mual/MuAlSupplementaryFiles.git -b CMSSW_10_1_X
cp MuAlSupplementaryFiles/* .
ln -s Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/createJobs.py
ln -s Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/python/gather_cfg.py
ln -s Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/python/align_cfg.py
ln -s Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/submitBatchJobs.py
ln -s Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/runBatchJobMonitor.py
scram b -j8
The following repositories are recommended for performing
additional tasks in muon alignment.
Software development only occurs on the master branch.
git clone https://github.com/cms-mual/MuAlPhysicsValidation.git
git clone https://github.com/cms-mual/PlottingTools.git
The following commands can be used to process the muon alignment in data.
NB: for CSC, the --T0
option is not needed.
# DT
./createJobs.py data_DT-1100-111111_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5_T0_ 3 data_DT-1100-111111_SingleMuon_Run2016G_MuAlCalIsolatedMu_278820_280385_8_0_24_Rerecov1_03.db \
SingleMuon_Run2017B-MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1_297031_297723.py --json Cert_294927-297723_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt --inputInBlocks \
-s data_DT-1100-111111_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5_T0.sh \
--validationLabel data_DT-1100-111111_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5_T0 \
--b --user_mail youremail --minTrackPt 30 --maxTrackPt 200 --maxDxy 0.2 --minNCrossedChambers 1 --residualsModel pureGaussian --peakNSigma 1.6 \
--station123params 111111 --station4params 101111 --cscparams 100001 --useResiduals 1100 --mapplots --curvatureplots --segdiffplots --extraPlots \
--globalTag 92X_dataRun2_Prompt_v5 --createAlignNtuple --noCleanUp --noCSC --gprcdconnect sqlite_file:GPR_July11_2017_SW924_Run2017B_dL4_iter1.db \
--gprcd IdealGeometry --is_Alca --T0
./createJobs.py data_CSC-1100-100001_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5_ 1 data_CSC-1100-110001_SingleMuon_Run2016G_MuAlCalIsolatedMu_278820_280385_8_0_24_Rerecov1_03.db \
SingleMuon_Run2017B-MuAlCalIsolatedMu-PromptReco-v1_297031_297723.py --json Cert_294927-297723_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt --inputInBlocks \
-s data_CSC-1100-100001_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5.sh \
--validationLabel data_CSC-1100-100001_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5 \
--b --user_mail youremail --minTrackPt 30 --maxTrackPt 200 --maxDxy 0.2 --minNCrossedChambers 1 --residualsModel pureGaussian --peakNSigma 1.6 \
--station123params 111111 --station4params 101111 --cscparams 100001 --useResiduals 1100 --mapplots --curvatureplots --segdiffplots --extraPlots \
--globalTag 92X_dataRun2_Prompt_v5 --createAlignNtuple --noCleanUp --noDT --gprcdconnect sqlite_file:GPR_July11_2017_SW924_Run2017B_dL4_iter1.db \
--gprcd IdealGeometry --is_Alca
Once the new shell script is created, simply execute the shell script to run the muon alignment.
The new shell script should have the same name as the -s
argument in the command above: 'data_DT-1100-111111_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5_T0.sh'
./createJobs.py mc_DT-1100-111111_CMSSW925p2_GTasym_39M_13TeV_ 3 MuonGeometry_MC_Run2Startup_June2015_Csc2mm1mrad_DtHWUnct.DBv2.db SingleMuonGun_CMSSW_8_0_24_39M_13TeVSpectrum.py --inputInBlocks -s mc_DT-1100-111111_CMSSW925p2_GTasym_45M_13TeV.sh --validationLabel mc_DT-1100-111111_CMSSW925p2_GTasym_45M_13TeV --b --user_mail youremail --minTrackPt 20 --maxTrackPt 200 --maxDxy 0.2 --minNCrossedChambers 1 --residualsModel pureGaussian --peakNSigma 1.6 --station123params 111111 --station4params 101111 --cscparams 100001 --useResiduals 1100 --mapplots --curvatureplots --segdiffplots --extraPlots --globalTag 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v7 --createAlignNtuple --noCleanUp --noCSC --gprcdconnect sqlite_file:inertGlobalPositionRcd.StdTags.1000p3.db --gprcd IdealGeometry --is_MC
cd /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_MUONALIGN/www/browser_plots/validation
ls /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions17/13TeV/PromptReco/Cert_294927-297723_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt #json files
ls /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_MUONALIGN/www/muonGeometries/ #official muon geoemtries
Many batch jobs are submitted to successfully run the muon alignment. New additions to the framework allow the user to check the (many) batch job outputs to determine if there were any failures that need to be re-submitted.
New scripts in MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/
Script | Description |
createBatchJobs.py |
Create batch jobs. This mimics the setup above, but is still being developed. |
writeBatchScripts.py |
Class that contains information for writing batch scripts automatically. |
submitBatchJobs.py |
Submit batch jobs. Recommended method because it saves the LSF ID with the script that was submitted. |
configuration.py |
Configuration class. Necessary for creating/submitting/monitoring batch jobs. |
util.py |
Utility functions used in the framework. |
runBatchJobMonitor.py |
Running script that uses the batchJobMonitor class. |
batchJobMonitor.py |
Class responsible for performing the tasks to determine if a batch job failed. |
Using the setup described above (with createJobs.py
), submit batch jobs to run the muon alignment.
If you submit jobs by just executing the batch script, the batch monitoring tool can still determine which jobs have failed,
but it will not be able to link failed batch jobs with the script that was executed.
Instead, it is recommended to create batch jobs using the setup above, and use the submitBatchJobs.py
script to submit the jobs.
To do this, simply:
./createJobs.py ... # described above
python submitBatchJobs.py config.txt
where config.txt
is a configuration file that contains arguments similar to the command line arguments above.
An example is located in MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/config.txt
The name
and iterations
arguments are the only necessary configuration settings for submitting batch jobs.
(In the above command, 'name' = 'data_DT-1100-111111_2017B_CMSSW925p2_SingMu_MuAlCalIsoMuv1_92XdataRun2Promptv5_T0'
and 'iterations' is the number of iterations to run, the second argument in the above commands.)
Once the batch jobs have been submitted, the LSF ID numbers and corresponding scripts are saved to a file.
To check the successes or failures of batch jobs, run the following command:
python runBatchJobMonitor.py config.txt
The failed jobs will be saved to a text file (for reference later) and also printed to the screen.
Check the STDOUT
files from the LSF jobs to make sure the jobs actually failed!
Jobs can be re-submitted by the user.
There is temporary functionality built-in to the batchJobMonitor to automatically resubmit jobs,
but it is not currently active.
Please investigate the batchJobMonitor
class and runBatchJobMonitor
script to check other options and configurations.
For new releases of CMSSW, it is important to keep relevant code up-to-date. Currently, the muon alignment framework relies on CMSSW packages that aren't centrally maintained, but need to remain consistent with the official release.
First, get the correct architecture, checkout the release, if needed, as described above.
Compare your local repository with the official CMSSW release.
The repositories that need to be checked are:
- TrackingTools
- Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor
- Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms
Directly compare your repository with the release using these commands:
diff -r $CMSSW_BASE/src/TrackingTools/TrackRefitter/ $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/TrackingTools/TrackRefitter/ > diff_TrackingTools.txt
In TrackingTools
there should have only be one file with differences (where hits in muon system are neglected, and you do the fit 3 times).
Next, check the CommonAlignmentMonitor
diff -r $CMSSW_BASE/src/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/ $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/ > diff_CommonAlignmentMonitor.txt
This package should be identical.
For some reason this package must be mainted in cms-mual
, so just check your version is identical to the one in CMSSW.
Finally, the MuonAlignmentAlgorithms
package needs to be checked.
diff -r $CMSSW_BASE/src/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/ $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/ > diff_MuonAlignmentAlgorithms.txt
There should be many dfferences here!
Check one by one if they are expected! If you are unsure if changes are expected,
it is easiest to compare the two CMSSW releases and see what changes you need to propagate (rather than sifting through diff_MuonAlignmentAlgorithms.txt
diff -r $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/ /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/slc6_amd64_gcc630/cms/cmssw-patch/$OLDRELEASE/src/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/ > diff_MuonAlignmentAlgorithms.txt
# you may need to change the path to the old release, depending on CMSSW development.
Contact the authors with any questions.