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.NET Build/Publish NuGet Version

NUnit test runner for .NET MAUI based projects.

This project looks to revive the NUnit and Xamarin NUnitLite unit test runner projects and combine the granular interface provided by the Xamarin runner with the full functionality provided by the NUnit framework and built for .NET MAUI.

Features include:

  • Exploring loaded tests by namespace, class, and method.
  • Running tests and test cases individually or by namespace, class, or method.
  • Viewing overall results and individual results with details.
  • Saving test results to a file.
  • Ability to write the output of test results to the console as tests are ran.
  • Running tests on a background thread, leaving the UI thread available to perform other work.
    • This can also help avoid deadlock situations when a test requires the UI thread.
  • Supports all major platforms supported by .NET MAUI.
  • Extensible design allows for customization of existing or creation of new behaviors and views.

Note: The controls are optimized for landscape orientation on larger devices (e.g. tablets). While the application will function in portrait orientation and on smaller devices, some text may be clipped.


  1. Include a reference to the BStaSoft.MauiNUnitRunner.Controls Nuget package in a .NET MAUI app project for your target platform(s).

  2. Include references to the project(s) with your NUnit tests or the test code itself in the .NET MAUI app project.

  3. On the .NET MAUI app project's MauiAppBuilder method, call the .UseMauiNUnitRunner() method to initialize the MauiNUnitRunner controls.

    using MauiNUnitRunner.Controls;
    public static class MauiProgram
        public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
            MauiAppBuilder builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
                // Initialize using the MauiNUnitRunner
            return builder.Build();
  4. In the .NET MAUI app project's App.xaml.cs constructor, create and load an instance of the MauiNUnitRunner.Controls.TestDynamicPage ContentPage and set as the App.MainPage.

  5. The TestDynamicPage takes in an INUnitTestRunner to which test assemblies and test settings are added. This should include the current app's assembly if it contains tests to run.

    using MauiNUnitRunner.Controls;
    public partial class App : Application
        public App()
            // It is recommended to set the app theme
            UserAppTheme = Current?.RequestedTheme ?? AppTheme.Unspecified;
            // Specify any test settings
            Dictionary<string, object> settings = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            settings.Add("MySetting", "value");
            // Add assemblies with unit tests to test runner
            NUnitTestRunner runner = new NUnitTestRunner();
            runner.AddTestAssembly(GetType().Assembly, settings);
            // Create initial test page
            TestDynamicPage page = new TestDynamicPage(runner);
            // Set test page as main page
            MainPage = new NavigationPage(page);
  6. It is recommended to build the .NET MAUI app project in Debug. NUnit will not be able to work correctly on some platforms in Release builds.

  7. To add more or change tests that are loaded or change test settings, create and set a new TestDynamicPage as the App.MainPage or directly access the underlying INUnitTestRunner from the TestDynamicPage.TestRunner property.

Test Listener

Add an NUnit.Framework.Interfaces.ITestListener such as the MauiNUnitRunner.Controls.NUnitTestListener using the INUnitTestRunner.AddTestListener method to output tests messages and results as tests are ran. Multiple and custom test listeners can be added.

// Add an optional test listener to get test output and progress
NUnitTestListener listener = new NUnitTestListener();
listener.WriteOutput += Console.WriteLine;


The MauiNUnitRunner.Controls namespace exposes the individual ContentViews used to populate the TestDynamicPage as well as marking a number of key methods virtual. This allows for the construction of custom views and pages or modification of the existing page's behavior.


Use the provided ./src/MauiNUnitRunner.sln solution (to build everything) or the ./src/MauiNUnitRunner.Controls/MauiNUnitRunner.Controls.csproj project directly and Visual Studio 2022 with .NET 8 and the .NET MAUI workloads to build the project.

The MauiNUnitRunner project can be built and referenced in a .NET MAUI app using the pre-built Nuget package.


Example test runner projects can be found in the ./src/MauiNUnitRunner.Examples project folders. The examples consist of an example test runner app and a separate test sub-assembly to include in the test runner app. The examples can be built from the project's solution or ./src/MauiNUnitRunner.Examples.slnf solution filter using the Debug or Release configuration.

Unit Tests

The project includes near complete code coverage of the MauiNUnitRunner.Controls namespace found in the ./src/MauiNUnitRunner.Controls.Tests project folder. Build and run the unit tests using the project's solution or ./src/MauiNUnitRunner.Tests.slnf solution filter using the Debug or Release configuration.

Future Enhancements

The following are planned future enhancements in the general order of priority. Contributions towards any of these objectives is welcome per the Contributing guidelines in the section below.

  • User interface beautification
  • Updating overall results when child tests are ran individually.
    • Current behavior is the same as the older NUnit Lite runner, but is not the desired behavior.
    • This is limited currently by NUnit returning results for the entire test tree and not updating and recalculating the overall results when a subset of tests are ran. This could be handled in the MAUI test runner, but would be simpler and more efficient if handled within the underlying NUnit classes. NUnit will need to update such that overall parent results are calculated and cached from their child results and updated when a child result changes.
    • Will impact generation of test result report.
  • Live UI updates (console output, results) as tests are progressing.
    • See ReSharper's Unit Test Sessions window as an example.
      • Reset results of tests to be ran.
      • Update individual test results as they are completed.
      • Update overall test result counts and progress bar color as tests are completed.
    • Currently limited by above point on updating overall results when child tests are ran.
  • Export results to TRX and other common formats
  • Performance improvements
  • Loading multiple test assemblies
  • Canceling active test run
  • Running tests by category
  • Searching and filtering tests
  • Configuring test settings from UI
  • Remote test management
  • Portrait orientation and small screen optimization


Pull requests for new features or fixes and reporting issues are welcome. Before submitting a new issue or request, search the existing issues and requests to see if it has already been reported. Provide as much detail as possible when reporting a new issue or request.

When developing code, follow the patterns and conventions in the existing code, such as naming, indentation, casing, and grouping code elements within classes. Standard code formatting and cleanup is defined in the included .editorconfig file as well as with the ReSharper DotSettings file, when ReSharper is available. When including additional resources they should be added as MAUI Resources and strings included in a xaml dictionary file. Consider testability and use TDD to develop new code and make changes. Unit tests should always all pass and maintain at least 95% code coverage.


See the License file for licensing details.