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Installing RozoFS

Installing RozoFS from Binary Packages

Fizians SAS provides binary packages for every component of RozoFS and various GNU/Linux distributions based on Debian (.deb) and Redhat (.rpm) package format. Using binary packages brings you benefits. First, you do not need a full development environment and other hand binary packages come with init script, easy dependency management etc... that can simplify deployment and management process. See help of your favorite GNU/Linux distribution's package manager for package installation. According to their roles, nodes should have at least one these packages installed :

  • rozofs-storaged_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

  • rozofs-exportd_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

  • rozofs-rozofsmount_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

To help and automate management, the following optional packages should be installed on each node involved in a RozoFS platform:

  • rozofs-manager-lib_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

  • rozofs-manager-cli_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

  • rozofs-manager-agent_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

  • rozofs-rprof_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

  • rozofs-rozodebug_<version>_<arch>.<deb|rpm>

Advance Package Tool (APT)

Install Release Key

wget -O -[email protected] | apt-key add -

Add Release Packages

For the lastest stable release :

# echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main |
tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rozofs.list

For the lastest development release :

# echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main |
tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rozofs.list

Install Packages

On each node involved in a RozoFS platform:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install rozofs-storaged
# apt-get install rozofs-exportd
# apt-get install rozofs-rozofsmount
# apt-get install rozofs-rprof
# apt-get install rozofs-rozodebug

To help and automate management:

# apt-get install rozofs-manager-lib
# apt-get install rozofs-manager-cli
# apt-get install rozofs-manager-agent

Building and Installing from Sources


The latest stable release of RozoFS can be downloaded from

To build the RozoFS source code, it is necessary to install several libraries and tools. RozoFS uses the cross-platform build system cmake to get you started quickly. RozoFS dependencies are the following:

  • cmake

  • libattr1-dev

  • uuid-dev

  • libconfig-dev

  • libfuse-dev

  • libreadline-dev

  • python2.6-dev

  • libpthread

  • libcrypt

  • swig

Build the Source

Once the required packages are installed on your appropriate system, you can generate the build configuration with the following commands (using default values compiles RozoFS in Release mode and installs it on /usr/local) :

# cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..

-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C caompiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /root/rozofs/build
# make
# make install

If you use default values, make will place the executables in /usr/local/bin, build options (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE...) of generated build tree can be modified with the following command :

# make edit_cache
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