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Preserving and Assimilating Region-specific Ambiguities in Taxonomic Hierarchical Assignments for Amplicons (Parathaa)


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PARATHAA User Manual

Preserving and Assimilating Region-specific Ambiguities in Taxonomic Hierarchical Assignments for Amplicons

If you use PARATHAA in your work, please cite PARATHAA at:

For additional information, read the PARATHAA Tutorial

PARATHAA (Preserving and Assimilating Region-specific Ambiguities in Taxonomic Hierarchical Assignments for Amplicons) is a tool used for the taxonomic assignment of 16S rRNA gene sequences that takes into account the uncertainty associated with using specific variable regions/primers. PARATHAA does this by generating new primer-trimmed phylogenetic trees from reference 16S rRNA gene datasets and then determines the optimal phylogenetic distances within that tree for taxonomic labeling. PARATHAA then can use this tree to assign taxonomy to query 16S rRNA gene sequences by aligning and placing those sequences into the new primer-trimmed reference database.



Below are the required dependencies to run Parathaa, you should be running linux/macOS (note if running macOS follow special instructions for pplacer install). We have included installation commands for various dependencies If the user wants to install outside of conda please check out each tool's main page for other installation instructions.

For our next release we plan to create a conda package that will cover all of these dependencies automatically.

Create conda environment and set up R and python

Create a new conda environment and activate it:

conda create -n parathaa.0.1 python=3.9

conda activate parathaa.0.1

Setup conda with R

conda install -c conda-forge r-base=4.2.3
conda install -c r r-openssl

Load R, install packages, quit:


                   "reshape2")) # add Ncpus = 4 to go faster

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))



Installation of PARATHAA through PyPi/PIP

pip install parathaa 

NOTE: If you do not have write permissions to '/usr/lib/', then add the option "--user" to the PARATHAA install command. This will install the python package into subdirectories of '/.local' on Linux. Please note when using the "--user" install option on some platforms, you might need to add '/.local/bin/' to your $PATH as it might not be included by default. You will know if it needs to be added if you see the following message PARATHAA: command not found when trying to run PARATHAA after installing with the "--user" option.

Manual Installation of PARATHAA

  • Clone your recently created repository in your local development environment either using:
git clone

or using the "Clone or Download" button.

  • install scripts to your bin directory of choice
python install 


As part of PARATHAA we provide pre-computed databases for commonly used 16S variable regions on a SEED database of SILVA (provided by the mothur team here:

We are currently working with version 138.1

Use the following command to download the Pre-computed databases:

16S Full Length - SILVA SEED 138.1

tar -xvf SILVA_FL.tar.gz
rm SILVA_FL.tar.gz

16S V1V2 - SILVA SEED 138.1

tar -xvf SILVA_V1V2.tar.gz
rm SILVA_V1V2.tar.gz

16S V3V4 - SILVA SEED 138.1

tar -xvf SILVA_V3V4.tar.gz
rm SILVA_V3V4.tar.gz

16S V4V5 - SILVA SEED 138.1

tar -xvf SILVA_V4V5.tar.gz
rm SILVA_V4V5.tar.gz


  • Parathaa is seperated into two seperate workflows that are used in conjunction with one another. In general most users will only use step 2 with already pre-computed files from step 1. However users able to adjust the reference database parathaa uses for taxonomic assignment using the commands in step 1.

Step 1: Creation of primer trimmed phylogenetic trees with taxonomic labels

  • The first step in parathaa is to create a primer trimmed phyloegentic tree that has its internal nodes labelled with taxonomic annotations. This is done using the command:

In brief this command does the following:

  1. Takes in the reference MSA and trims the sequences to the region that was amplified based on the given set of primers
  2. Generates a new phylogenetic tree based on these newly trimmed sequences using FastTree
  3. Finds the appropriate distance thresholding cutoffs for each taxonomic level
  4. Assigns taxonomy to the internal nodes of the new primer-trimmed reference tree


This command takes in the following:

  • primers A set of primers.
  • database A reference database that consists of a pre-aligned 16S rRNA gene reference set. By default we a use silva v138 seed database.
  • taxonomy A taxonomy file that contains the original taxonomic labels for the 16S sequences in the provided reference database

There are two optional commands as well:

  • sweight which controls the penalty weighting for over splitting taxonomic groups
  • mweight which controls the penalty weighting for over merge taxonomic groups

These two options are used when calculating the optimal threshold distance along the tree for each taxonomic level, and their default values are each 1, which weights over-splitting and over-merging equally.

Demo Run Step 1:

Not some input files will have been gzip'd so that they can fit within this repository. Please check the input files before running and expand them with gunzip.

gunzip input/silva_v138/taxmap_slv_ssu_ref_138.1.txt.gz
parathaa_run_tree_analysis --primers input/primers/V4V5.oligos --database input/testing/tree_construction/subset_silva_seed_v138_1.align  --output output --taxonomy input/silva_v138/taxmap_slv_ssu_ref_138.1.txt

Step 2: Taxonomic assignment

PARATHAA will come with a number of pre-computed-trees for this step so that users do not need to generate their own primer trimmed trees for commonly used reference databases. However this is still under development and currently the only pre-computed-tree available is for silva_v138 using V4V5 primers.

  • The second step of PARATHAA uses the phylogenetic tree, multiple sequence alignment (MSA) and tree data files to create taxonomic assignments to 16S rRNA gene sequences. This step is running using the following command:

Briefly this step takes in the newly created primer trimmed tree, MSA, tree reference files, and thresholding information to assign taxonomy to query 16S sequences by the following steps.

  1. Aligns query sequences to primer trimmed MSA generated in step 1
  2. Places those sequences into the primer trimmed tree generated in step 1 using pplacer
  3. Assigns taxonomy to those query sequences based on their placement and their distance from taxonomically labelled interior nodes. Note the thresholding distance computed in step one determines the apprioriate distance away a node can be to be assigned to a taxonomic level.

This command takes the following inputs:

  • trimmedDatabase the primer trimmed MSA generated from step 1
  • trimmedTree the trimmed phylogenetic tree generated from step 1
  • treeLog the treelog.txt file generated from step 1
  • query the 16S sequences that you want to assign taxonomy
  • thresholds an RData file containing the optimal phylogenetic distances for taxonomic assignment
  • namedTree an RData file containing the annotated trimmed phylogenetic tree

There are two optional commands as well, related to species-level classifications:

  • delta which controls which species assignments are removed due to nearby reference sequences from different species. Default value is 0.005; we recommend setting this to 0.5 * the species threshold identified by Parathaa for your region in step 1.
  • mult which shrinks the species threshold for better performance. Default value is 0.5, which is recommended.
Demo Run Step 2:

For this demo we will first need to download the Pre-computed V4V5 database.

tar -xvf SILVA_V4V5.tar.gz
rm SILVA_V4V5.tar.gz
parathaa_run_taxa_assignment --trimmedDatabase SILVA_V4V5/silva.seed_v138_1.pcr.align --treeLog SILVA_V4V5/treelog.txt --query /input/testing/taxa_assignment/SRR3225703_V4V5_subset.fasta --thresholds SILVA_V4V5/optimal_scores.RData --namedTree SILVA_V4V5/resultTree_bestThresholds.RData --output test --trimmedTree SILVA_V4V5/region_specific.tree


Alternatively you can give this command a directory that contains the trimmedTree, treeLog, trimmedDatabase, thresholds, namedTree, files using the parameter --treeFiles.

parathaa_run_taxa_assignment --treeFiles SILVA_V4V5/ \
--query input/testing/taxa_assignment/SRR3225703_V4V5_subset.fasta \
--output output_taxa_test

PARATHAA Diagnostic Scripts

  • plot_placement.R

This script contains a useful function for plotting placements. The function is called by other diagnostic scripts. Its important that the input tree has unique labels for all tips and nodes. This can be accomplished with the following R code:

in.tree$label <- make.unique(in.tree$label)


Preserving and Assimilating Region-specific Ambiguities in Taxonomic Hierarchical Assignments for Amplicons (Parathaa)







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