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bibisco version 2.X FAQ: Frequently Asked Question

Andrea Feccomandi edited this page Jan 22, 2019 · 18 revisions

1) Are projects created with bibisco version 1 compatible with projects created with version 2?

No. Starting from version 2.0, bibisco is based on a completely different technology (node.js) compared to version 1.0 (java), so the projects created with version 1 of bibisco are not compatible with version 2. Then, if you are at the final chapters of your book on bibisco version 1, I suggest to finish it, and go to version 2 for a new project!

2) Are projects created with bibisco Community Edition compatible with projects created with bibisco Supporters Edition?

Yes. They are fully compatible.

When launching the Bibisco Supporters Edition for the first time, you have simply to select the directory that was previously selected in the Community Edition as a project directory.

welcome project directory

You can read your actual project directory from the settings menu:

settings page

start page

3) What are the differences between bibisco Community Edition and bibisco Supporters Edition?

The complete list of differences can be found on the bibisco website.

4) How can I set dark mode?

Take a look at this video.

5) When I attempt to run bibisco on Windows, it does not start due to missing node.dll error.

"node.dll missing error" is a known problem related to windows operating systems and not to bibisco.

On the web there are many articles (just googling "node.dll missing error") that suggest how to try to solve the problem.

As you can understand, I can not take responsibility for suggesting one in particular.

bibisco's users are sharing the solutions found here here.

6) When I run bibisco on Mac, bibisco crashes and report a read-only filesystem error.

Error on Mac

This usually happens if you don't move to Application directory and you launch it from virtual volume (dmg file).

Run bibisco inside dmg

To solve this you have to simply move the to Application directory using bibisco installer or the Finder (NOT the terminal).

This is due to App Translocation and these links should help you to better understand:

7) On Ubuntu 18.04 bibisco 2 not start. After downloading I extracted the files and tried to start the Bibisco executable: nothing happens.

Linux 18.04 LTS missing a library needed by bibisco: libgconf2-4.

So, to run bibisco on Linux 18.04 LTS you have to install this library; from the terminal, you have to launch this command:

sudo apt -y install libgconf2-4

8) I've downloaded bibisco Supporters Edition on my PC/Mac. How can I download it again? How can I download it on another PC/Mac?

After buying bibisco, you should have received an email like this (if you can't find it check the spam folder):

email purchase

Now, you have to press the button View Product; the button takes you to a page where you can download again the application:

download page

9) How can I save projects on a cloud drive, DropBox or Google Drive for example?

To save your projects on a cloud drive, Dropbox or Google Drive for example, you simply have to choose as bibisco projects directory, a directory on your PC or Mac that is synchronized with Dropbox or Google Drive.

You choose the bibisco projects directory when you first launch bibisco and you can change it from the settings menu.

settings page

start page

10) My projects seem to have disappeared. What can I do?

First of all, let's see how bibisco organizes the projects.

All projects are saved in the bibisco projects directory; you choose the bibisco projects directory when you first launch bibisco and you can change it from the settings menu.

The projects directory has this structure:

bibisco folder structure

  • projects directory (purple arrow): is the projects directory you choose.
  • _internal_bibisco2_projects_db_ (green arrow) is the parent directory of all projects.
  • backup (red arrow): is a backup directory where, every time bibisco starts, every project is exported as archive (file with extension .bibisco2). Each archive file has a significant name: title of the project (red line) _ identifier of the project (blue line) _ timestamp of backup in the form YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOURS_MINUTES_SECONDS (green line).

bibisco backup folder structure

  • other directories (blue arrow): specific project directory that contains a JSON file (red arrow) that is the project file and images directory (blue arrow) that contains the images of the project.

bibisco project folder structure

To restore the work, if the project directory is present on the computer:

  1. Verify in the Settings -> Directory of the projects that the directory is correct: it has to be the projects directory (the directory indicated with the purple arrow in the previous image).

bibisco home settings bibisco settings

  1. If the pointing is correct and the projects still do not appear in the list of projects, import them individually as archive, selecting them from the backup directory.

bibisco home import project bibisco import project

If the projects directory is not present in the computer and you have a backup archive file (.bibisco2) you can import it as indicated in the previous point 2).

Ok, but why did it happen? Bearing in mind that the bibisco never deletes the project directory, the most common causes are:

  1. The bibisco projects directory has been moved.
  2. The bibisco projects directory has been renamed.
  3. A new version of the bibisco has been downloaded to the computer and the bibisco projects directory has not been configured correctly.