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bibisco version 1.X FAQ: Frequently Asked Question

Andrea Feccomandi edited this page Jun 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

1) I have a problem opening bibisco. I got HTTP Error 500.

This error happens when you move or delete the directory in which bibisco stores the projects outside the application.

Download again bibisco 1.X version from here for windows and linux ore from here for mac, unzip it and start again (attention!! Don't download bibisco 2.X version from official web site, because starting with version 2.0, bibisco is based on a completely different technology (node.js) compared to version 1.0 (java), so the projects realized with version 1 of bibisco are not compatible with version 2).

When start again choose the moved directory (the directory that contains internal_bibisco_projects_db subdirectory) as the directory in which bibisco stores the projects.

2) I have a problem with the Mac version. I get this message when attempting to launch the app:

To launch bibisco on Mac follow this instructions:

For El Capitan and previous versions, on System Preferences -> Security and Privacy, you must have "Allow apps downloaded from" set to "Anywhere.".

For Sierra you have to follow these instructions:

3) The Bibisco executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library

The most common reason for this message seems to be unzipping the file wrongly. Therefore please unzip the zipped bibisco again with a good unzip tool (like 7-zip,

Also make sure that the path to the unzipped bibisco does not get very long. There are cases where bibisco was unzipped into a deeply nested directory structure and that led to the same error message.

If that still doesn't work, you may try launching bibisco.exe with administrative rights. That should not really be necessary, but maybe your access rights are somehow broken after the re-installation of Windows.