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Alvydas Poškevičius edited this page Mar 25, 2017 · 13 revisions

⚠️ Still working on it

What it's all about?

⚠️ Available only from V2.0.2

Master Server Framework is extremely customizable, but that comes with a price - it might be a bit difficult to understand how everything ties together. To help you ease into the framework, I made this guide and added a "QuickSetup" demo.

This is NOT the only way to work with the framework, nor is it the best (there's really no best way to use it). However, I think it's the easiest to understand and get into, so let's do this!

Test it first

⚠️ By default, this demonstration is set up to work on Windows only. For other platforms, you'll need to edit the Barebones/Demos/QuickSetup/Editor/MsfQuickBuild script. You'll also need to change the "Executable Path".

  1. Go to Tools > Msf > Build All and select a folder, to which you want to save the binaries (builds with .exe files).
  2. Wait for the building process to complete
  3. Go to the specified folder and open MasterAndSpawner.exe
    1. Click "Start Master Server" button
    2. Wait until you see "Connected" at the top right corner
    3. Click "Register Spawner" button
  4. Now open the Client.exe
    1. Hit "Play as guest"
    2. Click "Games List
    3. Click "Create Game Server"
    4. Click "Create"
    5. Game server should start, and you should automatically connect to it

How it works

When you hit Tools > Msf > Build All, MsfQuickBuild.cs script creates two builds:

  1. For Master and Spawner servers
  2. For Client
  3. For Game Server

1. Master And Spawner Build

Scene: QuickSetup/Scenes/MasterAndSpawner

If you look in the hierarchy, these are the Game Objects of interest:

  • MasterServer - this objects starts the master server
  • ConnectionToMaster - this object tries to connect to master server
  • Spawner - registers a spawner to master server (it first needs to connect to it, which is why we have ConnectionToMaster object)
  • DemoPlayerProfiles - a simple module, which construct player profiles on master server

Normally, you should start master server and spawner by using command line arguments, but for this example, I decided that it might be a bit easier to understand if I added UI for manual controls. This way, you can start it both manually and by using command line arguments (you'll find more information below).

2. Client build

Scene: QuickSetup/Scenes/Client + all of the game scenes.

When using Unet, clients usually share scenes with game servers. This is because client is usually exactly the same as game server, but it just doesn't run some of the code.

Game Objects of interest:

  • ConnectionToMaster - this script automatically connects to master server
  • UnetConnector - when client wants to enter a room, he receives a RoomAccess (which has game server ip, port and scene name). This script waits for access to be received, and then loads the appropriate scene.
  • Canvas/MsfUiCombined - this object contains all of the ui components from ui examples that come with master server framework.

3. Game Server build

Scene: QuickSetup/Scenes/GameServer + all of the game scenes

GameServer scene itself is almost empty, it's used mainly to switch to another scene, where actual game server starts. There's an example of game server scene, which is a bit more interesting.

Scene: QuickSetup/Scenes/GameLevels/SimplePlatform

Game Objects of interest:

  • Msf/UnetGameRoom - this script waits for server to start, and then registers it to the master server
  • Msf/RoomTerminator - tracks the number of online players, and shuts down the game server when there are none
  • Msf/UnetServerStarter - this script analyses parameter from spawner, and uses them to start a game sever (for example, it reads -msfAssignedPort to know on which port to start the server)
  • Msf/ConnectionToMaster - it's automatically destroyed, because there's already "ConnectionToMaster" script from the main scene (it doesn't get destroyed). This is added in case you don't want to connect to master on the main scene
  • Msf/UnetConnector - this is used by client (remember, client and game server use the same scene. Of course, you can use different scenes, but I've tried to make this example simple). This script uses RoomAccess (most likely received on the previous scene) to know the address of game server, and connects to it.

What to do next?

Copy the demo

I don't recommend making any changes to any of the files in the QuickSetup folder, because they will be overwritten after each update.

Instead, what I'd recommend you to do - copy the whole QuickSetup folder, and modify the MsfQuickBuild file (rename it, change build platforms, scenes and etc.)

Add more levels to client

  1. Open the client's scene, and expand Canvas/MsfUiCombined
  2. Select CreateGameWindow object, and in the inspector, add another scene to the CreateGameUi component:
  3. If you're using lobby creation UI, add the new map to CreateLobby Game object to

Now you'll need to make sure that game servers can be started on these levels.

Starting Game Servers on new levels

Open the SimplePlatformer scene and make a prefab out of Msf object:

Add it to your new scene.

Make sure you understand what each of the game objects does. There are short descriptions above

Now modify your Network Manager to listen to room events, so that network manager knows when players join and leave the room.

If you're using the default NetworkManager, you'll need to replace it with the one below:

If you're already using a customized network manager, just copy the lines of interest.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

/// <summary>
/// This script represents the changes that you will need to do in your custom
/// network manager
/// </summary>
public class ModifiedNetworkManager : NetworkManager
    // Set this in the inspector
    public UnetGameRoom GameRoom;

    void Awake()
        if (GameRoom == null)
            Debug.LogError("Game Room property is not set on NetworkManager");

        // Subscribe to events
        GameRoom.PlayerJoined += OnPlayerJoined;
        GameRoom.PlayerLeft += OnPlayerLeft;

    private void OnPlayerJoined(UnetMsfPlayer player)
        // Spawn the player object (
        // This is just a dummy example, you'll need to create your own object (or not)
        var playerGameObject = new GameObject();
        NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(player.Connection, playerGameObject, 0);

    private void OnPlayerLeft(UnetMsfPlayer player)