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GGeorge4IV edited this page Oct 13, 2018 · 12 revisions

What is The Barebones Networking API?

It's a layer of abstraction on top of networking technologies / protocols, that simplifies communication between servers and clients. It's designed to be fast, convenient and very extendable - you can fine tune structure of your messages, change communication protocols, and none of your networking code would have to change.

Supported Protocols

At the moment of writing this, two protocols are supported.

  • Websockets/TCP - based on websocket-sharp. Main classes: ClientSocketWs, ServerSocketWs
  • UDP/RUDP - based on unity's Network Transport Layer. Main classes: ClientSocketUnet, ServerSocketUnet

They should cover pretty much every use case. If there's something else you need, feel free to post a request.

General Overview

To establish a connection between two endpoints, one of them must be a client (IClientSocket), and another - a server (IServerSocket).

When connection is established, both server and client will see each other as peers (IPeer). Each one of them can send message (IMessage) and receive them (IIncommingMessage).

Starting a Server Socket

Server sockets implemet IServerSocket interface. It exposes two events and two methods

  • Connected (event) - invoked, when client connects to this socket. IPeer instance, which represents a connected client, will be provided as an argument
  • Disconnected (event) - invoked, when client disconnects
  • Listen(port) - opens the socket and starts listening to the port. After calling this method, clients can start connecting
  • Stop() - stops listening
    private void StartServer()
        // Create a server socket
        IServerSocket server = new ServerSocketUnet();

        server.Connected += peer =>
            Debug.Log("Server: client connected: " + peer.Id);

        // Start listening

Connecting With a Client

Client socket implements IClientSocket interface. Exposed properties and methods are as follow:

  • Peer - peer, to which client has connected. This is what you'd use to send messages to server.
  • Status - Status of the connection
  • IsConnected - Returns true, if we are connected to another socket
  • IsConnecting - Returns true, if we're in the process of connecting
  • Connected (event) - Invoked on successful connection
  • Disconnected (event) - Invoked when disconnected from server socket
  • StatusChanged (event) - Invoked when connection status changes
  • Connect(ip, port) - Starts connecting to server socket at given address
  • Disconnect() - Closes the connection
  • WaitConnection(callback) - a helpful method, which will invoke a callback when connection is established, or after a failed attempt to connect. If already connected - callback will be invoked istantly.
  • SetHandler(handler) - adds a message handler of a specific operation code. If there's already a handler with same op code, it will be overriden.
    private void StartClient()
        // Create a server socket
        IClientSocket client = new ClientSocketUnet();

        client.Connected += () =>
            Debug.Log("Client: I've connected to server");

        client.Connect("", 777);

Exchanging Messages

Client and server communicate to each other through IPeer interface. Server will get clients peer when it connects, and client can access servers peer object through IClientSocket.Peer

There are many overload methods for sending and responding to messages. You can check them by opening IMsgDispatcher and IIncommingMessage interfaces. Examples below will show you some of the basic methods you can use and how to use them.

Client to Server

To receive messages, server will need to listen to the event on IPeer:

        server.Connected += peer =>
            // Client just connected
            peer.MessageReceived += message =>
                // Handle peer messages
                Debug.Log("Server: I've got a message from client: " + message.AsString());

Client can send a simple string message like this:

        client.Connected += () =>
            client.Peer.SendMessage(0, "Hey!");

Server to Client

You can do it pretty much the same way you sent messages from client to server.

Server code:

        server.Connected += peer =>
            // Client just connected
            peer.SendMessage(0, "What's up?");

Client code:

        client.Connected += () =>
            client.Peer.MessageReceived += message =>
                Debug.Log("I've got the message!: " + message.AsString());

However, it's not the only way for client to handle a message. You can add a handler which would handle a message with specific op code, such as:

        client.SetHandler(0, message =>
            Debug.Log("I've got the message!: " + message.AsString());

        client.Connected += () =>

Responding to Messages

If you want to send a message and get something in return, a.k.a send a request and get a response, there's a useful overload method for that.


        server.Connected += peer =>
            // Send a message to client
            peer.SendMessage(0, "What's up?", (status, response) =>
                // This get's called when client responds
                if (status == ResponseStatus.Success)
                    Debug.Log("Client responded: " + response.AsString());


        client.SetHandler(0, message =>
            // Message received, let's respond to it
            message.Respond("Not much", ResponseStatus.Success);

Message Serialization

Every single peace of data you send is converted into byte[]

To avoid reflection and AOT methods, I didn't use any third party serialization libraries. Instead, every packet is serialized manually - it's not difficult to do, and gives you full control.

ℹ️ It doesn't mean you can't use serialization libs, such as Json.NET or protobuf-net. As long as they can turn objects into bytes and back again, and your platform supports them - have fun!

IMsgDispatcher.Send supports these types of data:

  • int
  • string
  • byte[]
  • MessageBase (standard Unet message, which can be serialized automatically)
  • ISerializablePacket - any data structure, which implement ISerializablePacket interface

On the receiving end, you can "read" received data from IIncommingMessage with these methods:

  • AsInt() - uses data in message to convert it to int
  • AsString() - uses data in message to convert it to string
  • AsBytes() - returns your data in byte[] array
  • Deserialize<MessageBase>() - deserializes Unet messages, for example message.Deserialize<StringMessage>();
  • Deserialize(ISerializablePacket packet) - fillsISerializable implementation with data.

There are some helpful extension methods for turning common types to byte arrays and back:

  • String.ToBytes() - use it like this: "my string".ToBytes()
  • Dictionary<string,string>.ToBytes()
  • Dictionary<string,string>.FromBytes(byte[]) - use it like this: new Dictionary<string, string>().FromBytes(data)
  • Dictionary<int,int>.ToBytes()
  • Dictionary<int,int>.FromBytes(byte[])

You can extend SerializablePacket to create custom packet classes, like this:

using Barebones.Networking;

namespace Barebones.MasterServer
    public class GameAccessPacket : SerializablePacket
        public string AccessToken;
        public string Address;
        public string SceneName = "";

        public override void ToBinaryWriter(EndianBinaryWriter writer)

        public override void FromBinaryReader(EndianBinaryReader reader)
            AccessToken = reader.ReadString();
            Address = reader.ReadString();
            SceneName = reader.ReadString();

If you're using SerializablePacket, here's how you serialize, send, receive and deserialize. Sending a message:

            // Create a packet
            var packet = new RoomAccessPacket()
                Token = "54fgf4wr81wx85nh5io5gh",
                RoomIp = "",
                SceneName = "Main"

            // Send the message
            client.Peer.SendMessage(msg, packet.ToBytes();

Receive a packet:

            server.Connected += peer =>
                peer.MessageReceived += message =>
                    // We received a message
                    var data = message.Deserialize(new RoomAccessPacket());
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