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Command Line Arguments

Jade White edited this page May 21, 2018 · 14 revisions

Accessing argument values

All of the arguments can be accessed through Msf.Args, for example:

var port = Msf.Args.AssignedPort;

ℹ️ I forgot to comment them, but you'll find comments on what each of them means starting from V2.0.2

Msf.Args.Names contains properties with exact names of arguments, for example:

var portArgName = Msf.Args.Names.AssignedPort; // "-msfAssignedPort"

Checking if Argument is Provided

if (Msf.Args.IsProvided(Msf.Args.Names.MasterIp))
    Logs.Error("Master IP argument was provided");

Using Custom Arguments

There are some helpful methods to try and parse custom command line arguments. Let's say you've added a custom argument like this: ./Build -myMagicNumber 42

To extract it, you can do this:

if (Msf.Args.IsProvided("-myMagicNumber"))
    // Extract integer value
    var number = Msf.Args.ExtractValueInt("-myMagicNumber");

    // Extract string value
    var str = Msf.Args.ExtractValue("-myMagicNumber");

List Of Used Argument names

Argument Default value Description
-msfMasterIp null Ip, which will be used when connecting to master server
-msfMasterPort 5000 Port, which will be used to connect to master server
-msfMachineIp null Public IP of the machine, on which the process is running
-msfLoadScene null Name of the scene, which should be loaded (you'll need a script which reads this argument, otherwise - nothing will happen)
-msfStartMaster false (not provided) Starts master server
-msfMasterPort 5000 Master server will open this port
-msfDbConnectionString null Database connection string, which can be used by some of the database implementations
-msfStartSpawner false (not provided) Starts spawner server
-msfExe null Path to executable, which should be used to spawn a process
-msfMaxProcesses 0 (infinite) Max number of processes, that this spawner can spawn
-msfSpawnBatchmode false (not provided) If provided, will spawn processes in batchmode. ⚠️ Removed in V2.0.2 - will spawn in batchmode automatically, if spawner is in batchmode
Spawned Process
-msfAssignedPort -1 Port, which is assigned by spawner to a spawned process
-msfSpawnId -1 Spawn id, which is used to identify which process is spawned for which request
-msfSpawnCode null Code, which is used to check if there's no tampering with spawned processes
-msfLobbyId -1 Id of the lobby, for which the process was spawned
-msfWebgl false (not provided) Used to check if server should support WebGL clients
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