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Command Line Arguments

Alvydas Poškevičius edited this page Dec 30, 2016 · 14 revisions


  • ⚠️ Current version: v1.03. Previous: v1.02


Examples of the commands will be given in a context, where main executable file is named DesktopBuild.exe, and command line / terminal is opened at the same path the file is in.

Starting a master server with default parameters:

./DesktopBuild.exe -bmMaster

Starting a master server with a different port for clients

./DesktopBuild.exe -bmClientsPort 85

You can start both, master server and spawner server in one instance:

./DesktopBuild.exe -bmMaster -bmSpawner

Starting a dedicated game server (capped at 20 fps, on scene "GameRoom", port 7777, with name "New Name"):

./DesktopBuild.exe -bmStartManual -fps 20 -bmScene GameRoom -bmGamePort 7777 -bmGameName "New Name"

List Of Supported Arguments

Arguments are parsed in the BmArgs helper class

Argument Default value Description
-bmMaster no set If found, Master server will be started
-bmMasterKey "" (empty string) Key, which is used by master server and game servers (when registering to master, they must match)
-bmClientsPort 90 Port opened in master server, to which clients will connect
-bmGamesPort 5001 Port opened in master server, to which game servers will connect
-bmSpawnersPort 5002 Port opened in master server, to which spawner servers will connect
-bmSpawner not set If found, Spawner server will be started
-bmMinPort 1000 When Spawner server starts a game server, it will assign to them ports starting from this number
-bmMaxPort 2000
-bmMaxGames 5 Max number of game servers this spawner can spawn
-bmExe "" (empty string) Path to executable, which should start a game server. If empty, same executable, on which spawner is running, will be used
-bmBatchmode not set If found, spawner server will start game servers in batchmode
Game Server:
-bmScene null If this argument is found, game server will first switch to that scene before starting a game server
-bmIp Public ip of the machine. This is used by game servers, so they know their public IP and can send it to clients, to let them know where to connect
-bmStartSpawned 🆕 not set If this argument is found, it's considered that game server is being spawned by spawner
-bmStartManual 🆕 not set If this argument is found, it's considered that a game server is being started manually
-bmSpawnId 🆕 -1 Spawn id, which is used to tell which process was started before starting a spawned game server
-bmPrivate not set If arg is found when launching a game server, it will not appear in the listings
-bmMasterIp Ip of the master server, to which game servers and spawner servers will try to connect
-bmGamePort 7777 Read by game server, to know at which port to open the socket
-bmGameName "Dedicated Server" Name, used by game server
-bmMaxPlayers 10 Max number of players the server can hold
-bmFps 30 When starting a server, this fps limit will be applied to not overload CPU
-bmPassword "" (empty string) Password of the game room
-bmWebsockets not set If this argument is found, game server will be started as websocket