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JessicaVasseur123 edited this page Jul 4, 2021 · 7 revisions


SED-ML WebTools

In a first step, a default simulation with standard settings was created using SED-ML WebTools Version 2.4.

  1. open SED-ML WebTools v2.4

  2. upload SBML file (Bachmann2011.xml)

  3. set Start Time 0, End Time 250 -> Simulate DefaultSimulation_SWR

  4. download SED-ML file (DefaultSimulation.xml)

  5. minor manual modifications (added label for all species, changed id for plot & report, changed file extension .xml -> .sedml) -> DefaultSimulation.sedml)


The generated default simulation was then used to create a SED-ML file in COPASI v4.33 to reproduce Supplementary Figure 9.

  1. open COPASI (COPASI 4.33 (Build 246))
  2. import SBML file (Bachmann2011.xml)
  3. import SED-ML file generated in SED-ML WebTools as described above (DefaultSimulation.sedml)
  4. Plots: deleted default plot, added plots for all parameters included in Supplementary Figure 9
  5. Tasks -> Time Course -> Run (results)


  1. export SED-ML file (SuppFig9_COPASI.sedml)
  2. validate SED-ML file in SED-ML WebTools as described here)
  3. download amended SED-ML file from SED-ML WebTools (SuppFig9_COPASI.xml)
  4. minor manual modifications (corrected model source, changed file extension .xml -> .sedml) -> SuppFig9_COPASI.sedml
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