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Available Quality Metrics

Aldo edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 11 revisions

Available Quality Metrics in LOEP

The following quality metrics are supported by LOEP:

Metric name Key Description
LORI Arithmetic Mean "LORI Arithmetic Mean" Arithmetic mean for the LORI evaluation model.
LORI WAM CW "LORI WAM CW" Weighted arithmetic mean for the LORI evaluation model with a set of weights collected from a survey. See LOEP/app/models/metrics/loriwam1.rb for details.
LOEM Arithmetic Mean "LOEM Arithmetic Mean" Arithmetic mean for the LOEM evaluation model.
WBLT-S Arithmetic Mean "WBLT-S Arithmetic Mean" Arithmetic mean for the WBLT-S evaluation model.
WBLT-T Arithmetic Mean "WBLT-T Arithmetic Mean" Arithmetic mean for the WBLT-T evaluation model.
UNE 71362 Student Arithmetic Mean "UNE 71362 Student AM" Arithmetic mean for the student profile of the UNE 71362 standard. In order to use this metric, the plugin 'loep_une71362' should be enabled.
UNE 71362 Teacher Arithmetic Mean "UNE 71362 Teacher AM" Arithmetic mean for the teacher profile of the UNE 71362 standard. In order to use this metric, the plugin 'loep_une71362' should be enabled.
SUS "Global SUS" It calculates the standardized score for the SUS (System Usability Scale) evaluation model in a [0,10] scale.
LOM Metadata Quality "LOM Metadata Quality" A global measure of the metadata quality taking into account the following criteria: Completeness, Coherence, Conformance, Consistency and Findability.
LOM Completeness Metadata Quality "LOM Completeness Metadata Quality" A metric that measures the completeness of the metadata.
Interaction Quality "Interaction Quality" A global measure of the quality of a Learning Object based on the interactions that the end users have with it. The following interactions are considered: time spent, frequency of clicks and permanency rate.

There are many more quality metrics available in LOEP.
You can find them in the LOEP/app/models/metrics/ folder.
Furthermore, you can create your own metrics using the evaluations from one or several evaluation models.