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Available Evaluation Models

Aldo edited this page May 5, 2016 · 4 revisions

Available Evaluation Models in LOEP

The following evaluation models are supported by LOEP:

Model name Key Description
Learning Object Review Instrument "LORI v1.5" A team of reviewers composed by subject experts and/or e-Learning professionals can use LORI to create reviews consisting of ratings and comments on several aspects of Learning Objects. Check the LORI User Manual for details.
Learning Object Evaluation Metric "LOEM" LOEM allows reviewers to evaluate Learning Objects according to four distinct constructs: interactivity, design, engagement and usability.
WBLT Evaluation Scale for Students "WBLT-S" The goal of WBLT-S is to assess the effectiveness as educational tools of the Learning Objects in the classroom from a student’s perspective.
WBLT Evaluation Scale for Teachers "WBLT-T" WBLT-T aims to assess the effectiveness as educational tools of the Learning Objects in the classroom from a teacher’s perspective.
System Usability Scale "SUS" The System Usability Scale (SUS) provides a “quick and dirty”, reliable tool for measuring the usability. It consists of a 10 item questionnaire with five response options.
Metadata Quality "Metadata Quality" This model allows to automatically evaluate the metadata quality of a Learning Object. The current version of LOEP supports the LOM (Learning Object Metadata) standard.
Interaction Quality "Interaction Quality" This model allows to automatically evaluate the quality of the Learning Objects based on the interactions that the end users have with them. The following interactions are considered: time spent, frequency of clicks and permanency rate.