This library provides tools for out-of-core processing of unbounded multi-layer raster data.
It is a part of The Aardvark Platform.
Run ./
on Linux, or .\build.cmd
on Windows. Done.
open Aardvark.Geometry.Quadtree
// raw height data (4x3 samples stored in a flat array)
let heights = [|
1.0; 1.0; 2.0; 2.0
1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 1.8
1.6; 1.7; 2.0; 2.2
// raw color data
let colors = [|
C3b(255,0,0); C3b(255,1,0); C3b(255,2,0); C3b(255,3,0)
C3b(0,255,1); C3b(1,255,1); C3b(2,255,1); C3b(3,255,1)
C3b(0,2,255); C3b(1,2,255); C3b(2,2,255); C3b(3,2,255)
// define mapping of raw data to raster space
let mapping = DataMapping(origin = Cell2d(500000L, 2000L, 0), size = V2i(4, 3))
// a layer gives meaning to raw data
let heightsLayer = Layer(Defs.Heights1d, heights, mapping)
let colorLayer = Layer(Defs.Colors3b , colors, mapping)
// build the quadtree (incl. levels-of-detail)
let qtree = Quadtree.Build BuildConfig.Default [| heightsLayer; colorLayer |]
// query
let config = Query.Config.Default
let line = Ray2d(origin = V2d(500_000, 2_000), direction = V2d(1,1))
let withinDistance = 0.5
let chunks = qtree |> Query.NearLine config line withinDistance
let positions = // : V3d[]
|> Seq.collect (fun chunk -> chunk.GetSamples<float> Defs.Heights1d)
|> (fun (cell, h) -> V3d(cell.GetCenter(), h))
|> Array.ofSeq
// positions = [|[500000.5, 2000.5, 1]; [500001.5, 2001.5, 1.6]; [500002.5, 2002.5, 2]|]
let colors = // : C3b[]
|> Seq.collect (fun chunk -> chunk.GetSamples<C3b> Defs.Colors3b)
|> snd
|> Array.ofSeq
// colors = [|[255, 0, 0]; [1, 255, 1]; [2, 2, 255]|]
Defines a mapping of a raw data array buffer:'a[]
to cell space.
A DataMapping
does not contain an actual buffer. It can be applied to multiple buffers with identical layout. A Layer
is used to combine data and mappings.
Property | Type | Description |
Origin |
Cell2d |
First element (buffer.[0] ) corresponds to this cell. |
Size |
V2i |
Buffer contains Size.X * Size.Y element. |
Window |
Box2l |
Use sub-region of data, where Min is inclusive and Max is exclusive. |
The last buffer element corresponds to Cell2d(Origin.X + Size.X - 1, Origin.Y + Size.Y - 1, Origin.Exponent)
By default, Window
corresponds to Box2l.FromMinAndSize(Origin.XY, Size)
A Layer
specifies a DataMapping
and a semantic for raw data.
Semantic | Description | F# Type | C# Type |
Defs. Heights1f |
Height value per sample. | float32[] |
float[] |
Defs. Heights1d |
Height value per sample. | float[] |
double[] |
Defs. HeightsBilinear4f |
Height value per sample as bilinear params. * | V4f[] |
V4f[] |
Defs. HeightsBilinear4d |
Height value per sample as bilinear params. * | V4d[] |
V4d[] |
Defs. Normals3f |
Normal vector per sample. | V3f[] |
V3f[] |
Defs. Normals3d |
Normal vector per sample. | V3d[] |
V3d[] |
Defs. HeightStdDevs1f |
Std dev per height value. | float32[] |
float[] |
Defs. HeightStdDevs1d |
Std dev per height value. | float[] |
double[] |
Defs. Colors3b |
Color value per sample. | C3b[] |
C3b[] |
Defs. Colors4b |
Color value per sample. | C4b[] |
C4b[] |
Defs. Colors3f |
Color value per sample. | C3f[] |
C3f[] |
Defs. Colors4f |
Color value per sample. | C4f[] |
C4f[] |
Defs. Intensities1i |
Intensity value per sample. | int[] |
int[] |
Defs. Intensities1l |
Intensity value per sample. | int64[] |
long[] |
Defs. Intensities1f |
Intensity value per sample. | float32[] |
float[] |
Defs. Intensities1d |
Intensity value per sample. | float[] |
double[] |
Defs. BilinearParams4d |
Bilinear params per sample. | V4d[] |
V4d[] |
Defs. Volumes1f |
Volume value (height difference) per sample. | float32[] |
float[] |
Defs. Volumes1d |
Volume value (height difference) per sample. | float[] |
double[] |
Defs. VolumesBilinear4f |
Volume value (height difference) per sample as bilinear params. * | V4f[] |
V4f[] |
Defs. VolumesBilinear4d |
Volume value (height difference) per sample as bilinear params. * | V4d[] |
V4d[] |
Defs. BilinearParams4f |
Obsolete. Use HeightsBilinear4f instead. | V4f[] |
V4f[] |
Defs. BilinearParams4d |
Obsolete. Use HeightsBilinear4d instead. | V4d[] |
V4d[] |
* Sample value s
at position (x,y)
is computed as s(x,y) = A + B*x + C*y + D*x*y
, where (x,y)
is in range [-sample.Size/2, +sample.Size/2]
. The center of the sample cell corresponds to (x=0,y=0)
. Weights A
, B
, C
, D
are stored in a 4-dim vector v
as follows: A=v.X
, B=v.Y
, C=v.Z
, D=v.W
Quadtrees are a persistent (immutable) data structure. This means, that existing quadtrees will never be mutated. All operations that mutate a quadtree will return a new (mutated) copy of the original quadtree. Of course no literal "copy" is made, but original parts will be re-used where possible.
/// At least 1 layer is required, and
/// all layers must have the same sample exponent and sample window.
Quadtree.Build (config : BuildConfig) (layers : ILayer[]) : QNodeRef
where BuildConfig.Default
is defined as
BuildConfig = {
SplitLimitPowerOfTwo = 8 // splits tile if width or height is greater than 256
As the layer data is already in memory, the Quadtree.Build
function will construct the quadtree in memory as well. This results in optimal performance and the memory overhead is slightly more than 1/3 of layer data size and mostly used for storing levels-of-detail.
In order to handle large data sets, that do not fit into memory, you can split up your data set into chunks, create and save a quadtree for each chunk, and finally merge all the chunks into a single quadtree.
See the following sections how to save, load and merge quadtrees.
Quadtrees can be saved to disk using an arbitrary key/value store.
The store is configured using a SerializationOptions
/// Save quadtree. Returns id of root node, or Guid.Empty if empty quadtree.
Quadtree.Save (options : SerializationOptions) (qtree : QNodeRef) : Guid
You can load a quadtree using
/// Load quadtree with given id.
/// Returns the tree's root node, with children being loaded lazily.
/// If id does not exist, then `NoNode` is returned.
Quadtree.Load (options : SerializationOptions) (id : Guid) : QNodeRef
A SerializationOptions
record specifies a few functions allowing to interact
with the underlying key/value store.
type SerializationOptions = {
Save : Guid -> byte[] -> unit
TryLoad : Guid -> byte[] option
Exists : Guid -> bool
`Aardvark.Geometry.Quadtree' provides the following out-of-the-box serialization bindings:
/// Create an in-memory store for testing purposes.
/// This does NOT solve the out-of-core problem. ;-)
let inMemoryStore = SerializationOptions.NewInMemoryStore ()
/// Create a disk store using the Uncodium.SimpleStore package.
let simpleDiskStore = SerializationOptions.SimpleDiskStore (path : string)
Additional bindings may be available if you use this library in conjunction with some larger project. Or, you can quite easily create your own, by providing a few simple functions to interact with your favourite key/value blob store.
You can use Quadtree.Merge
to create a new quadtree from two existing quadtree.
An immutable merge is performed, meaning the original quadtrees remain untouched.
Quadtree.Merge (d : Dominance) (first : QNodeRef) (second : QNodeRef) : QNodeRef
The dominance
parameter is used to control which samples will be used in overlapping areas, where both the first and second quadtree contain samples:
Dominance | Description |
MoreDetailedDominates |
Finer resolution wins. If the same, than it is undefined if data from the first or second quadtree is used. |
FirstDominates |
First quadtree always wins. |
SecondDominates |
Second quadtree always wins. |
let firstQuadtree = ...
let secondQuadtree = ...
let mergedQuadtree = Quadtree.Merge MoreDetailedDominates firstQuadtree secondQuadtree
Currently available query functions:
Query | Description |
Query. All |
All samples in quadtree. |
Query. InsideCell |
All samples fully inside given cell. |
Query. IntersectsCell |
All samples with sample cell intersecting given cell. If query cell is smaller than data cells this will also return a data cell surrounding the query cell even if sample position is outside query cell. Sample mode is ignored. |
Query. InsideBox |
All samples inside given box. |
Query. InsidePolygon |
All samples inside given polygon. |
Query. NearLine |
All samples within a given distance of a line. |
Please see the example above on how to use query functions.
All queries return a sequence of Query.Result
Each result references a quadtree node, and whether it is fully or partially selected.
type NodeSelection =
| FullySelected
| PartiallySelected of Cell2d[]
type Result = {
Node : QNode
Selection : NodeSelection
You can either use the default config Query.Config.Default
, which returns the most detailed data,
MinExponent = Int32.MinValue // most detailed data available
SampleMode = SampleMode.Center
Verbose = false
or create your own custom config
let myCustomConfig = {
MinExponent = 2
SampleMode = Query.SampleMode.Center
Verbose = false
Currently available sample functions are:
Sample | Result | Description |
Sample. Positions |
seq<SampleResult> |
Samples at given positions. Positions without sample data are not included. |
Sample. Position |
seq<SampleResult> |
Sample at given position. Result contains 0 or 1 entries. |
Sample. TryGetCellAtPosition |
Option<Cell2d> |
Cell at given position, or None if there is no sample. |
Sampling functions return a sequence of SampleResult
Each item contains a subset of the requested sample positions Positions
(located in the given Node
) and a second array Cells
with the associated cell for each position. Positions are in global space, and not relative to the node.
You can query any layer for its associated sample values, using the ``GetSamples` function.
type SampleResult = {
Node : QNode
Positions : V2d[]
Cells : Cell2d[]
member this.GetSamples<'a>(def : Durable.Def) : (V2d*Cell2d*'a)[]