- update dependencies
- fix Sample.Position
- updated dependencies
- fixed special case in query merge code
- [builder] add build logic for yet more cases
- fix Sample.PositionsWithBounds (dict trygetvalue fails when key does not exist, probably due to uninitialized tuple)
- [builder] quadtree build fix (experimental)
- [builder] flatten layer fix
- [builder] builder now flattens multiple layer sets into one (at split limit tile size)
- this fixes a previous sampling problem with layers having masks
- this also massively improves performance for querying/sampling
- [builder] save/load, export/import
- [builder] fixed root cell for case when data is smaller than split limit tile size
- [materialize] fixed indexing for mask data
- updated dependencies (System.Collections.Immutable lowest_matching: true)
- same as 0.4.4
- see also new maintenance branch 4.2
- Builder (creates quadtree from many small patches)
- fix queries
- fix System.Collections.Immutable dependency (from 7 to 6)
- update packages (Aardvark.Data.Durable 0.3.9)
- update dotnet tools
- remove Newtonsoft.Json dependency
- update .github/workflows
- updated to Aardvark.Base 5.2