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Dictionary Materializers

Grauenwolf edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Dictionary Materializers

  • .ToDictionary<TKey, TObject>
  • .ToDictionary<TKey, TObject,TDictionary>
  • .ToImmutableDictionary<TKey, TObject>


These materializers supports the DictionaryOptions enumeration.

The ToDictionary materializer returns a Dictionary<TKey, TObject> by default. You can override the collection type with any IDictionary<TObject> so long as it isn’t read-only.

Keys can be generated from a column name or using a Func<TObject, TKey>. In the former case, the key column doesn't need to be a property on the object.

The normal behavor is to throw an exception if a duplicate key is found. Using the DiscardDuplicates option, duplicate values are ignored. (Currently the first value is overriden by the second value. This is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon.)

Capabilities and Limitations

Dictionary materializers have the same capabilities and limitaions as Object/Collection materializers, including non-default constructor support.

SQL Generation

As per above, mapped properties on the object (and child properties on a decomposed property) will be requested.

In a non-default constructor is chosen, then SQL will only be generated for the columns that match parameter names in the constructor.

Additionally, the column needed for key generation will be included.


Dictionary materializers use reflection to instantiate and populate the object.


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