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Compiled Object and Collection Materializers

Grauenwolf edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 4 revisions

Compiled Object/Collection Materializers

Compiled materializers require the Tortuga.Chain.CompiledMaterializers package.

  • .Compiled.ToObect<TObject>
  • .Compiled.ToCollection<TObject>
  • .Compiled.ToCollection<TCollection, TObject>


The ToObject materializer supports the RowOptions enumeration.

The ToCollection materializer returns a List<TCollection> by default. You can override the collection type with any ICollection<TObject> so long as it isn’t read-only.


Object/Collection materializers honor the Column attribute, which changes which query result set column the property is mapped to.

Object/Collection materializers honor the NotMapped attribute, which prevent the property from being mapped.

Object/Collection materializers honor the Decompose attribute. This allows properties on the child object when they match columns in the query result set.

If the desried object implementes IChangeTracking, then AcceptChanges() will be called automatically.

SQL Generation

See Object/Collection materializers.


Object/Collection materializers require that the Decompose attribute be applied correctly. The materializer needs to walk the entire object graph, and if there are any cycles represented by decomposed properties then a stack overflow exception will occur.

Object/Collection materializers can only populate public properties. It cannot set fields or non-public properties.

Compiled Object/Collection materializers only support public types. Because it does not use reflection, it cannot sidestep the visibility restrictions like the non-compiled versions can.

Compiled Object/Collection materializers do not support generic types (other than Nullable). This is not a design limitation and will be fixed in a later version.

Compiled Object/Collection materializers do not support nested types. This is not a design limitation and will be fixed in a later version.

Compiled Object/Collection materializers are less tolerant of column/property type mis-matches. For example, if you database column is a Long, you can't use a property of type Nullable<int>.


Compiled Object/Collection materializers use CS Script to generate the population methods.


Eventually we would like to support non-default constructors so that we can populate immutable objects.

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