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HowTo: Implement new SignupMethods

TimRepke edited this page Oct 17, 2015 · 2 revisions

Project structure/Dev Hints

There are two files that sort of handle the configuration because we couldn't be bothered to create another database table:

  • ./passwd/users.txt add users to this file. S stands for super admin (can create new trips), N users can only manage the current trip
  • ./config_current_fahrt_id (a file that only contains the id of the current trip

Folder structure:

  • The admin folder contains everything for the admin backend.
  • view contains all frontend stuff
  • view/signups contains all possible signup methods (games, add them to
  • view/js should contain all commonly used js things
  • ...


Game1 specific

For debugging you can point your browser to the test.html and use some of the following parameters:

  • map - number of the map
  • showEventLayers - set true if you want to see the event layers
  • verbosePF - set true to dump the path finding raster to the console
  • fastTalk - set true to make dialogues ultra fast

For example:


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