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HowTo für Sysadmin

TimRepke edited this page Oct 17, 2015 · 5 revisions

Server Prerequisites

  • PHP 5.5.x (tested with 5.5.3)
  • MySQL (other databases might work, check the medoo framework)
  • Apache 2.4

User management

  1. Send out the link to https://<host>/passwd/index.html to the new user. They'll send their encrypted password back.
  2. go to https://<host>/admin/?page=admin
  3. log in as a superadmin
  4. edit the users.txt in the textbox and save (pay attention that the file was saved correctly)

Alternatively you can edit the passwd/users.txt file directly.

Initial Deploy

Database setup

Check out the folder other/sqlDumps. There is an SQL file that creates the database. We also tried to make sure to provide migrations in case updates are needed.


Make adjustments in

  • Database parameters ($config_db)
  • Set base URL ($config_baseurl)

File permissions

Create files and adjust CHMOD for

  • config_current_fahrt_id (rw-rw-rw-)
  • passwd/users.txt (rw-rw-rw-) cp passwd/users.example.txt passwd/users.txt



Further notes

You could add the the config file in your local gitignore file to prevent overrides on updates. In case you do that, remember to check for necessary updates.